Edit an Export
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    Edit an Export

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    Article summary


    To edit the settings of an existing export configuration.

    You can edit the following exports with this procedure:

    • Cloud Export

    • Raw Data Export

    • Simplified Data Export


    A previously saved export configuration.

    These exports are extra features that must be enabled for your system. Please contact your customer representative for more information.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation, click​ Datenverwaltung > Exporte.

      ⇒ The ​Export overviewwindow opens.

    2. In the ​Actions​ column of the export you want to edit, select Edit​.
      Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    3. Edit the export configuration using the steps of the wizard.

    4. In the last step of the wizard, click the ​Save​ button.
      The changes to the export configuration are saved.

    There are two ways to generate the export file in Engage:

    Related Topics​

    ​Export Options in Mapp Engage
    ​Generate Export​
    Cloud Exports​
    Raw Data Exports
    Simplified Data Export File​

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