Edit Contact Profile
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    Edit Contact Profile

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    Article summary


    To edit the profile of a contact manually.

    Background Information​

    Usually, contact profiles are updated with an import file that contains the new profile data. However, you can also add and edit the profile data of individual contacts manually.

    You can use this manual method to adjust the attributes of individual contact profiles that you use as test recipients


    1. In the Main Navigation​, click ​Audience​ > ​Contact Management> All Contacts.

      ⇒ An overview of all the contacts in your system opens.

    2. Next to the contact you want to edit, click the symbol.
      ⇒ The ​Contact Profile​ window opens.

    3. Update information in the contact profile as desired.

      You cannot edit the member attributes of a contact with this method. You can only edit member attributes in the context of a group. To view member attributes, click ​Memberships​ and search for the contact within the desired group.

    4. To save changes from the ​Contact Information​ panel or ​Attributes​ area, click ​Save​ in the header area of the ​Contact Profile​ window.

    Related Topics​

    ​Import Contacts​
    ​Contact Profile (window)​

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