Editing InsertIf-InsertElse Conditions
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    Editing InsertIf-InsertElse Conditions

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    To create a new complex personalization with InsertElse or InsertIf conditions:

    1. From the ​personalization Wizard​ menu, click the ​New​ button.
      ⇒ The ​personalization Builder​ opens.
      The ​Edit​ mode for the first InsertIf condition is automatically opened.

    To edit an existing InsertElse or InsertIf condition:

    1. Click  ​Edit​ beside the InsertIf or InsertElse block you want to edit.
      ⇒ The area for editing and creating conditions is opened. In the navigation, the InsertIf/InsertElse block is displayed.

    Creating Conditions​



    This button opens the ​Condition Builder​ window, where it is possible to add a new condition.

    This shows which rules are handled as a group. Within the parentheses it is possible to specify whether all conditions must apply, or only one condition.

    ​Match all of the following conditions​

    Every condition contained within the parentheses must be true for the content to be inserted in the message. If one of the conditions is not true, the whole personalization rule does not apply, and the corresponding content will not be sent.

    Match one of the following conditions​

    Only one of the conditions contained within the parentheses must be true for the content to be inserted in the message. If any one of the conditions is true, the corresponding message content will be sent.

    Opens the context menu for the condition.

    • Edit condition: This allows you to edit the selected condition.

    • Add condition: This adds a further condition to the selection.

    • Remove condition: This removes the selected condition.

    • Add grouped condition: This adds a condition and sets parentheses around the condition, enabling grouped conditions. Example: "(A and B) or C".

    • Ungroup: Removes the bracket which was set around the rules.

    • Remove group: Removes all the rules that were created within the bracket.


    The button groups all rules whose checkboxes are currently selected. Conditions grouped in this way must be on the same structural level. Conditions from other brackets cannot be selected to set new brackets when nested expressions are concerned. To do this, the existing brackets must be deleted firstly.

    Condition Builder​

    In the ​Condition Builder​ window you establish the rule that must apply for the InsertIf/InsertElse statement to be true.



    ​First input field; drop down menu​

    This menu expands to show all available attributes (standard attributes and custom attributes). Here, choose the attribute in which Mapp Engage will search in order to determine whether the value entered in the second list field is identical to the value in the attribute.

    ​Center drop down menu​

    This drop down menu allows you to define the required relationship of the attribute value and the concrete value entered in the second input field. The list is adapted according to the selected attribute. The following relationships are available:

    • equals

    • not equals

    • less than

    • greater than

    • less than or equals

    • greater or equal

    • empty

    • not empty

    • starts with (the value in the attribute must begin with the same characters as the value in the second input field)

    • ends with (the value in the attribute must end with the same characters as the value in the second input field)

    • contains (the value in the attribute must contain the same characters as the value in the second input field; it does not matter where these characters appear)

    • contains case insensitive (the value in the attribute must contain the same characters as the value in the second input field; it does not matter where these characters appear; the case (upper vs. lower case) of the characters does not matter)

    • Regex: This allows you to enter regular expressions in the second input field.

    ​Second Input field​

    In this input field, enter the value that Mapp Engage will search for in the attribute selected from the drop down menu. This must be an exact value.

    ​Compare two attributes​

    When selected, this check box allows you to choose an attribute for the second input field, thus enabling a comparison of two values.


    The button adds the defined condition to the statement and closes the condition builder.

    With equal and not equal relationships, the value in the attribute must exactly match the value defined in the second input field. To perform a less strict search, use the relationships starts with, ends with, or contains. It is not possible to use wildcards. More detailed queries can be created with regular expressions.

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