Event-Based Automation Finished (S/C)
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    Event-Based Automation Finished (S/C)

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    Article summary

    This event executes a job every time a defined event-based automation successfully executes.

    This job can be used very flexibly to create chains of multiple automations.



    Defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    Provides information about the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    Selects the type of event that, when combined with a job, forms the automation. Every time this event occurs, the system executes the dependent job. The job is defined in the ​Edit Event-based Job​ window.

    Recommended Automations​

    (C) + (C) automations: If the initial automation is a (C) + (C) automation that affects individual contacts in your system, then the follow-up automation will affect those same contacts. The following combinations are recommended.

    • Event-based Automation Finished (S/C) + Send Prepared Message to Contact (C): When the first automation executes, Engage sends a prepared message to the contact involved in the first automation. The recipient of the prepared message depends on setup of the automation.
      Example: The first event-based automation moves a contact to a new group. When this first automation executes, Engage sends a prepared message to that same contact.

    • Event-based Automation Finished (S/C) + Remove Member from Group (C): When the first automation executes, Engage removes the contact involved in the first automation from a group.

    • Event-based Automation Finished (S/C) + Add Member to Group (C): When the first automation executes, Engage adds the contact involved in the first automation to a group.

    (S) + (S) automations: It is also possible to use this event to initiate a system-related (S) + (S) automation.

    • Event-based Automation Finished (S/C) + Send Prepared Message to Group (S): When the first automation executes, sendout of a prepared message to an entire group is initiated. In this case the preceding event-based automation must be an (S) job. Otherwise this combination could result in an extremely high number of sendouts.

    Define Event​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the event.

    • Automation: This drop-down list defines the automation event. Only active automations with the status ​Running​ or ​Scheduled​ are displayed. If there are no active automations in your system, an error message appears.


    This job can be used to follow up on any type of event-based automation. It is marked with (S/C) because you can combine this job with a preceding (S) job or (C) job. If you select an (S) automation from this drop-down, select an (S) job in the ​Edit Event-based Job​ window for the second job. If you select a (C) job from this drop-down, select a (C) job in the Edit Event-based Job window for the second job.

    Define Selection​

    • Selection: Applying a selection to this event limits the event to certain event executors who fulfill the selection criteria. The executor of the event, not the automation owner, has to fulfill the selection criteria. If the system user who performs the event is not in the selection, the job will not execute. Use the button to search for a selection.


    The following actions are available:

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