Event-Based Automations Overview (window)
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    Event-Based Automations Overview (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the main Navigation​, click Automations​ >​ Automations​.

    2. Click ​Event-based


    This window provides an overview of all event-based automations in the system. In this window, you can create, edit and view event-based automations.

    Available Information​

    • Name: Displays the name of the automation. The name is defined by the user when the automation is created. The name is not necessarily unique in the system.

    • Event: Displays the event that initiates execution of the job. See All Available Events​​.

    • Job: Displays the job automatically performed by the system. See All Available Event-Based Jobs​​.

    • Owner: Displays the automation owner. The owner is the creator of the automation. It is not possible to change the owner.

    • Errors: Displays the number of errors. An error does not mean that the entire automation failed to execute. The date and time as well as the cause of the most recent error are listed in the ​Details​ area beneath the overview.

    • Status: Displays the current status of the automation.

      • Scheduled: The automation is active and the start date of the time frame is in the future. The time frame for an event-based automation is scheduled in the ​Define Time Frame​ window (see Define Time Frame (window)​).

      • Running: The automation is active and the current date is within the time frame.

      • Inactive: The automation is inactive. An inactive automation is never executed by the system.

      • Done: The time frame for the automation is finished. The automation has been completed by the system for the last time.

      • Deactivated: The automation was manually deactivated before the end of the time frame. To deactivate an automation, click the ​Deactivate​ button.

    Available Actions​

    • New Automation: Creates a new event-based automation and opens the ​Edit Event​ window (Edit Event (window)).

    • View: Opens an automation in view mode. In view mode you can view the automation settings and schedule, but not to make any changes. This action is available for automations with any status.

    • Edit: Opens the automation in edit mode. This action is available for inactive automations only. Only inactive automations can be edited.

    • Copy: Creates a copy of the automation. The copy has the default name "Copy of (original name)" and has the same job, settings and schedule as the original. This action is available for automations with any status.

    • Test: Opens the ​Test Event-based Automation​ window. In this window you can perform a single test execution of the automation.

    • Activate: Activates the selected automation. Activation changes the status of an automation to:

      • ​Scheduled​ if the automation has never been executed before.

      • ​Running​ if the automation has been executed at least once.

    • Deactivate: Stops the selected automation immediately. The resulting status is ​Deactivated​.


    The fields in this area depend on the event and job selected in the automation.

    The following fields are visible for every automation:

    • Last Execution Date: This field displays the date and time of last execution. Only one date is displayed, even if the automation has been executed more than once in the past.

    • Date of Last Error: This field displays the date and time of the most recent error. An error does not mean that the entire execution failed. If this field is empty, the automation has never generated an error.

    • Cause of Last Error: This field displays an error text from the system. Only the most recent error text appears. If this field is empty, the automation has never generated an error.

    Related Topics​

    Event-Based Automation​
    All Available Events​
    All Available Event-Based Jobs​
    Create a New Event-Based Automation​
    Activate an Event-Based Automation​

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