Export Addresses for Selected Key Performance Indicators
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    Export Addresses for Selected Key Performance Indicators

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    Article summary


    To export the addresses associated with one or more message KPIs.

    This export allows you to identify the contacts who performed a KPI. In other words, while the statistics show you how many contacts performed a KPI, this export shows you who performed that KPI. As a few examples, you can see exactly which addresses opened your message, which email addresses bounced, or which email addresses forwarded your message. You could even reimport these addresses into a new group for further targeted campaigns.


    1. In the main navigation menu, click ​Statistics and select the type of message you are interested in.

    2. Click View Statistics. The ​Message Statistics window opens.

    3. At the bottom of the window, click the ​Export Address Data button

    4. In the ​Address Data Export window in Step 1. Select Data, select the desired performance indicators for export.

    5. Click ​Next.

    6. In the Address Data Export window step ​2. Configure Export, select Enage Export, or Server Export.

    7. Click ​Export.

      Engage starts the export. If large amounts of data are exported, this process can take some time.

    When the option ​Engage Export is selected, you receive a message with a link to the export file.

    When the option ​Server Export is selected, the system uploads the file to a server. A system message informs you when the export file is available for download from the server.

    The following options are available:


    The URL in the input field must follow the format ftp://username:password@servername/path.


    The URL in the input field must follow the format sftp://username:password@servername/path.


    The URL in the input field must follow the format scp://username:password@servername/path.


    The URL in the input field must follow the format ftps://username:password@servername/path.

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