Export Contact
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    Export Contact

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    Article summary


    To export information on a contact entry that is stored in the system.


    If necessary, filter the contacts to find your contact. For more information, see Filter Options​.


    1. In the Main Navigation​, click Audience​ > ​Contact Management> All Contacts.

      An overview of all the contacts in your system opens.

    2. To the left of the contact you want to export, click ​Export Contact​.

      The system displays a message that your export has been scheduled successfully. The system sends an email with a link to the export page.

    3. Click the link in the email.
      ⇒The page to download the contact export file opens.

    4. Click ​Export​.

      The system downloads a csv file with all information on the user. This file includes as a minimum the unique identifier and contact information.

    Export File​

    Depending on your system, the export file contains the following contents.

    Standard Systems

    • Identifiers

    • Channel Addresses

    • Standard Attributes

    • Related Data rows for tables linked to the contact profile

    • All events for the contact since the contact entered the system

    Mobile App Integrated Systems

    For each app installed by the contact

    • AppName_Opt_In
      This is the date the opt-in for the app took place.

    • AppName_Opt_Out
      This is the date the user opted out of the app.

    • AppName_Last_Open
      The date the app was last opened.

    • AppName_Push_Sent
      The date the app sent a notification.

    • AppName_Last_Activation
      The date the app was last used.

    For Mapp Engage-Mapp Acquire Integrated Systems

    • Mapp Acquire UUID(s) matched to the Contact ID

    • User IP

    • Geo Latitude

    • Geo Longitude

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