Export Contacts
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    Export Contacts

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    Article summary

    This job creates an export file with contact data and sends it to an external FTP or SFTP server. Use it to keep data synchronized over multiple systems.

    This job is available for scheduled and recurring whiteboards only.

    Export and import jobs can take a substantial amount of time to process. If the export and import jobs have not finished, then the next step in your Whiteboard journey will not initiate. Use the ​Wait​ or ​Schedule​ steps to keep your journey running as planned.

    Data Selection and Target Groups​



    ​Export Data Selection​

    • All Members​:​ Exports all members of the target group.

    • Active Members: Exports all contacts with an active member status in the target group.

    • Unsubscribes (All):​ Exports all contacts who unsubscribed from the target group.

    • Subscriptions (All)​: Exports all contacts who subscribed to the target group.

    • Deactivated in Group:​ Exports all contacts who are deactivated in the target group. A deactivated contact no longer receives messages. It is not possible to manually deactivate a contact. Engage automatically deactivates a contact after it generates a specific number of responses that are defined in groups settings.

    • ​Unconfirmed Members:​ Exports all contacts with an unconfirmed member status in the target group. Contacts have an unconfirmed status until they verify their subscription.

    • Pending Members:​ Exports all contacts with a pending member status in the target group. Contacts have a pending status when they are added to a moderated group. They retain that status until the group moderator confirms their membership.

    • Members - Manual Subscription:​ Exports all contacts who subscribed to the target group by clicking the subscribe button in an email.

    • Group Attributes:​ Exports a list of all target group attributes and their values. A group attribute stores information that pertains to all contacts in a group. These attribute fields are not contact-specific, but they store information about the group as a whole.

    • Group Blacklist Entries:​ Exports all entries on the target group-specific blacklists.

    • System-wide Blacklist Entries:​ Exports all entries on the system-wide blacklist.

    For more information about the export data, see Exported Information: Export Data​.

    ​Target Groups​

    • Any Group:​ Exports the data selection from all groups.

    • Specific Group:​ Exports the data selection from specific groups. Select up to 15 groups from the ​Group​ drop-down list.

    • Audience Group:​ Exports the data selection from the current Whiteboard audience group.

    • Group Category:​ Exports the data selection from the category that is selected in the ​Group Category​ drop-down list.

    Include Attributes



    Custom Attributes

    Allows you to add custom attributes to your selection. Custom attributes store contact data that is relevant to your digital marketing needs and strategies.

    Available options:

    • None

    • All

    • Selected: lets you add one or more custom attributes to the configuration

    For more information, see Create Custom Attribute​.

    Time Range Definition​



    ​Current state​

    Exports data that covers the current state of the group as of the time of export sendout.

    ​Changed Since Last Export​

    Limits the export to data that covers the state of the group since the time of the last export automation in the system.

    ​In Time Range​

    Limits the export to data from the time range between ​Start Date​ and ​End Date​ fields. Data outside this timeframe is not included in the export.

    Export details​



    ​File Type​

    Choose the export file type. The following types are available: XML, CSV, and CSV (tab). In case of the CSV file type, you can choose a separator. By default, comma is used, but you can use a different separator by selecting ​Other​ and entering the desired separator in the designated field.

    ​File Name​

    Choose a name for the created export file. Individual file names facilitate data management. In addition to standard, pre-defined names, it is possible to create dynamic name parts using placeholders.

    For example, <%${group['name']}%> creates a file with the target group name. If the selected group is called Test Group, then using <%${group['name']}%>_February creates a file with the following name: Test Group_February.

    For more information on possible Engage placeholders, see Additional Placeholders​.

    If the file with the same name already exists on the FTP server, an export timestamp is added to the name of the new file.

    Credential Store Record

    Specify the FTP or SFTP server where the export file is created

    After filling all the mandatory fields, it is recommended to test the connection to your FTP or SFTP server by clicking ​TEST CONNECTION​. The system displays a notification that indicates either successful or unsuccessful connection. If the connection is unsuccessful, the notification also displays the reason for the communication failure.

    During the connection between Engage and an FTP or SFTP server, the username and password are always encrypted due to the HTTPS protocol.

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