Export Data to Server
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    Export Data to Server

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    Article summary

    Export Data (S) automatically exports data from your system. In contrast to the job ​Generate Report for Download​, the exports are not defined in advance. This job offers several configurable exports.

    Most of the export data is raw data on the addresses in the system. All address-related exports include the same standard information and, depending on the type of export, additional information. In addition to address-related exports, you can also export group attributes, blacklist information, and accumulated domain statistics.

    For information about the specific exported data, see Exported Information: Export Data​. Depending on the export, the job can create more than one export file per job. The data are then exported individually for each group or for individual messages.

    Basic Settings​


    This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    Define Exported Data​

    • Exported Data: This drop-down list defines which data are exported. For information about the specific exported data, see Exported Information: Export Data​.
      Most of the selected export data is raw data on the addresses in the system. All address-related exports include the same standard information and, depending on the type of export, additional information. In addition to address-related exports, you can also export group attributes, blacklist information, and accumulated domain statistics. Depending on the type of data export, some fields are required. The address-related exports are differentiated depending on what fields are required:

      • Group-based exports: Exports for which at least one group must be selected. One export file is created per group.

      • Message-based exports: Exports for which at least one message must be selected. One export file is created per message.

      • Other address-based exports: Individual export files are created that do not reference any particular groups or messages.

    Group-based Exports​

    You must select one or more groups. One export file is generated per group.

    For information about the specific exported data, see Exported Information: Export Data​.

    • Active Members: This item exports information about all addresses in the selected group and time frame that have ​Active​ membership status. A message is prepared for every active recipient during the message sendout. The active recipient can in principle be contacted. However, sometimes an active address does not receive a message. Addresses that are deactivated or on a Robinson list are sorted out during the sendout process. To export active members, a group must be specified.

    • Active Members (without Responses): This item exports information about all addresses in the selected group and time frame that have ​Active​ membership status. Active members who have generated a response are skipped during the export process. This function is under revision. Review the data in the export file before use.

    • Pending Members: This item exports information about all addresses with the membership status ​pending​ in the selected group and time frame. Members have this status when new members are added to a moderated group. The new members are pending until the moderator approves their membership. Group moderation is managed in the group settings.

    • Deactivated in Group: This item exports a list of all addresses in the group that are deactivated. A deactivated recipient is a recipient who no longer receives messages. A group member is automatically deactivated in the Mapp Engage system after the email address generates responses. You cannot manually deactivate a group member. The number of responses that are required before a recipient is deactivated can be manually defined in the group settings.

    • Current Group Members - Message Not Delivered: This item exports the addresses of all recipients who are currently saved in the group who did not receive the message. The exported addresses are all current members of the group, minus the members who received the selected message. A message can not be delivered for several reasons. The recipient was not a member of the group at the time of sendout, the recipient generated a response (spam complaint, auto-response, non-existent address, ). The recipient can also be excluded due to a selection, blacklist, message limitation, or other reason.

    • All Members: This item exports all of the members of a group. This export includes recipients who have not received a message (for example, recipients with ​unconfirmed​ or ​deactivated​ status ).

    • Unconfirmed Members: This item exports the addresses of all recipients who have the status ​Unconfirmed​. This status results when members subscribe to a group via a double-opt-in process. The recipient must confirm the subscription to be activated and receive messages.

    • Members - Manual Unsubscribe: This item exports all recipients who have unsubscribed from the group with the unsubscribe button in the message. Unsubscribes on landing pages (API) are only considered if the executor is the logged-in address or if the parameter ​self​ is set. Activities that lead to an unsubscribe are not included in this export.

    • Members - Manual Subscription: This item exports all of the recipients who subscribed to the group by clicking the subscribe button in an email. Subscriptions on landing pages (API) are only considered if the executor is the logged-in address or if the parameter ​self​ is set. Unsubscribes produced by automated jobs are not considered.

    • Subscriptions (All): This item exports all of the recipients who have subscribed to a group. Exported addresses can have any status, whether ​active​ or any other status (​deactivated​, ​unconfirmed​, and so on).

    • Unsubscribes (All): This item exports all addresses that have unsubscribed from a group.

    • All 2 (obsolete): This item exports all recipient data. However, this setting is deprecated and replaced by ​Active Members (without Responses)​. ​All 2​ remains in the list because the setting is still in use on some existing systems. Do not use ​All 2​ to set up new activities! The feature is no longer updated and does not benefit from any system improvements.

    Message-based Exports​

    You must select one or more messages. One export file is created per message.

    For information about the data that is exported for each address, see Exported Information: Export Data​.

    • Recipients: This item exports the addresses that are currently stored in the group who received the message. Addresses that produced a response are excluded. If a time frame is specified for the export, this is not considered when filtering for current group members. The time frame limitation applies only to the responses.

    • No Open Detected: This item exports all addresses who did not open the selected message.

    • Clicks: Clickers (Unique) per Link: This item exports a list of all link clicks in the message. A recipient is exported once for each link clicked, with the date and time of the first click on that particular link. This means that when a recipient clicks two or more different links, this recipient appears multiple times in the export file. Even if a recipient clicks several times on the same link, this recipient is only included in the export file one time.

    • Message Forwards: This item exports the individual forwards carried out with the forward link in the message. Each individual forward is listed in the export file separately, including the address to which it is forwarded. The same address can appear multiple times in the export file. A message can be forwarded to more than one address at the same time. That means that one forward can produce multiple new recipients.

    • Openers: This item exports all addresses that have opened the selected message.

    • Opens (No Click): This item exports all recipients who opened the selected message, but have not clicked any link.

    • Responses (All) - Stored in System: This item exports a list of all addresses that generated a response. Information about responses is stored in different locations in the system. The information is stored both in the group membership information of the recipient and centrally in the system. This option exports the recipient addresses with responses that are stored centrally in the system.
      Raw data (addresses) can only be exported if the address data is still available in the system. Responses can lead to the deactivation and deletion of recipient addresses. When a recipient is deleted from a system, all of the data that is collected for this recipient is also deleted. Accumulated data about responses in the system is never deleted, even if information about individual responses (email addresses) is deleted. For this reason, the number of exported email addresses does not correspond to the number of responses that are reported in the statistics.

    Other Address-based Exports​

    These exports do not share basic data with the exports that are listed above.

    • Conversion Tracking: This item exports each conversion that resulted from the message. Data is exported separately for each conversion that the recipient generates. For this reason, the same address can appear multiple times in the export file.

    • System-wide Blacklist Entries: This item exports a list of all the entries on the system-wide blacklist. The export includes the addresses and any rules that were applied to filter the addresses (for example, domains that are automatically filtered out). The export file is not group-specific.

    • Group Blacklist Entries: This item exports all entries on the group-specific blacklist. The export includes both addresses and rules according to which addresses are filtered (for example, gmail.com, if all gmail addresses are skipped). One export file is created per group. You must select one or more groups.

    • Group Attributes: This item exports a list of all group attributes and their values. The group-specific blacklist export creates one export file for each of the groups selected. You must select one or more groups.

    • Domain Statistics: This item exports the accumulated domain statistics data. You must select one or more messages. By default, data can be exported for a maximum of 30 messages. The export can be extended to a maximum 100 messages.

    Deprecated (Tracking Data)​

    The following exports are no longer visible in the interface. You can export tacking and message data with simplified data exports and raw data exports.

    If you have an existing automation that is based on this data, the automation continues as scheduled.

    • Current Group Members - Message Not Delivered: This item exports the addresses of all recipients who are currently saved in the group who did not receive the message. The exported addresses are all current members of the group, minus those recipients who received the selected message. A message is not delivered for several reasons. The recipient was not a member of the group at the time of sendout, the recipient generated a response (spam complaint, auto-response, non-existent address, and so on), or the recipient was excluded due to a selection, blacklist, message limitation, and so on.

    • Members - Manual Unsubscribe: This item exports all recipients who have unsubscribed from the group the unsubscribe button in the message. Unsubscribes on landing pages (API) are only considered if the executor is the logged-in address or if the parameter ​self​ is set. Unsubscribes produced by automated jobs are not considered.

    • Conversion Tracking: This item exports each conversion that resulted from the message. Data is exported separately for each conversion that the recipient generates. For this reason, the same address can appear multiple times in the export file.

    • Recipients: This item exports the addresses who received the message. This export is based on current addresses that are saved in the group. Addresses that produced a response are excluded. If a time frame is specified for the export, this is not considered when filtering for current group members. The time frame limitation applies only to the responses.

    • No Open Detected: This item exports all addresses who did not open the selected message.

    • Clicks: Clickers (Unique) per Link: This item exports a list of all clickers on each link in the message. A recipient is exported once for each link they click, with the date and time of the first click that particular link. This means that is a recipient clicks two or more different links, this recipient appears multiple times in the export file. If a recipient clicks the same link more than once, this recipient is only included in the export file one time for that link.

    • Message Forwards: This item exports the individual forwards carried out with the forward link in the message. Each individual forward is listed in the export file separately, including the address to which it is forwarded. The same address can appear multiple times in the export file. A message can be forwarded to more than one address at the same time. That means that one forward can produce multiple new recipients.

    • Openers: This item exports all addresses that have opened the selected message.

    • Opens (No Click): This item exports all recipients who opened the selected message, but have not clicked any link.

    • Responses (All) - Stored in System: This item exports a list of all addresses that generated a response. Information about responses is stored in different locations in the system. The information is stored both in the group membership information of the recipient and centrally in the system. This option exports the recipient addresses with responses that are stored centrally in the system.
      Raw data (addresses) can only be exported if the address data is still available in the system. Responses can lead to the deactivation and deletion of recipient addresses. When a recipient is deleted from a system, all of the data that is collected for this recipient is also deleted. Accumulated data about responses in the system is never deleted, even if information about individual responses (email addresses) is deleted. For this reason, it is possible that the number of exported email addresses do not correspond to the number of responses that are reported in the statistics.

    Define Job​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the job.

    • Group: This area defines whether the data export is limited to certain groups.

    • Specific Groups: This radio button opens the input field ​Groups​. Individual groups are selected in this area.

      • Select Group: This button opens the window ​Select Group​. In this window, you can search for individual groups and add them to the list. The search can be completed more than once to select as many groups as desired based on different search criteria.

      • Select All Groups: This checkbox selects all of the groups in the system for the data export.

      • Remove: This button removes the groups that are selected in the ​Groups​ list from the data export. Selected groups are highlighted in blue. Hold down the ​CTRL​ key to select multiple entries.

      • Remove All: This button removes all of the groups that are in the ​Groups​ list from the data export.

    • Group Category: This radio button displays the drop-down list ​Group Category​.

      • Group Category: This drop-down list defines the group categories that are used for export. A group category can contain any number of groups. The group category is assigned in the group settings.

    • Messages: This area defines the messages for which data is exported. This area is only displayed for export types that are message-related (for example, clicks, opens, domain statistics, and more ).
      By default, data can be exported for a maximum of 30 messages. To export information for more than 30 messages, use the parameter max-num-messages to define a maximum of up to 100 messages.
      If you need information for a larger number of messages, use a Cloud Data Export or a Raw Data Export. The job stops the export if more than the maximum number of messages are selected. There is no warning if too many messages are selected.

      • Messages: This list defines which messages are considered in the data export. Each of the selected messages is displayed in the field. To select messages, click ​Select Messages​ or ​All messages of selected groups​.

      • Select messages: This button opens the window​ Search Messages​. In this window, you can search for individual messages and select them for inclusion in the export. The search can be conducted more than once to select as many messages as desired based on different search criteria.

      • All messages of selected groups: This checkbox includes all of the messages of the selected groups in the export. If an additional message is sent in one the selected groups while the activity is running, it is included automatically in the export.
        Include single messages: This checkbox includes all of the single messages of the selected groups in the export.

      • Remove: This button removes the selected messages from the Messages field. Selected messages are highlighted in blue. Hold down the ​CTRL​ key to select multiple entries.

      • Remove All: This button removes all of the messages that are listed in the ​Messages​ field from the data export.

    • Custom Attributes: This drop-down list defines which custom attributes (including the values that are stored in them) are exported. An attribute is selected for export by clicking it. The attribute is highlighted in blue. To select multiple entries, hold down the ​Control key​ while selecting.
      The standard attributes (email address, name, etc.) are always included in the export and do not need to be specified. Custom attributes are individually created for each system individually.

      • Export all lists: This checkbox exports all of the customer profile attributes in the system. When checked, the list of individual fields is not visible. If the checkbox is deselected, the list of individual attributes is displayed again.

      • Cancel selection: This button deselects all of the individual custom attributes.

    • Member Attributes: This drop-down list defines which member attributes (including the values that are stored in them) are exported. An attribute is selected for export by clicking it. The attribute is highlighted in blue. Hold down the ​CTRL​ key to select multiple entries.
      Member attributes are individually created for each system individually.

      • Export All: This checkbox exports all of the customer profile attributes in the system. When checked, the list of individual fields is not visible. If the checkbox is deselected, the list of individual attributes is displayed again.

      • Cancel selection: This button deselects all of the individual custom attributes.

    • Server: This input field defines the server where the export file is saved. A connection can be established to a server address over FTP (FTP, PFTP (passive FTP), AFTP (active FTP), SFTP, FTPS.
      This address has the following format: protocol://user:password@host.port/url-path.
      Example: ftp://joesample:1password@ftp.mapp.com/messages

    • Local (development): This input field is used internally for system development. This field cannot be used by the end user. It is only possible to enter a local storage address in this field when you are in the developer environment or with a local installation.

    • Encoding: This drop-down list defines the character encoding of the export file that is generated. Depending on the language that is used, the encoding must be able to display the appropriate characters. Attributes can store data in any language. The character coding of the export file must be able to display the special characters of the languages you use in your system. The magnifying glass opens the window ​Select​. In this window, you can make a selection from the available character encodings.

    • File name: This input field defines the name of the export file.
      Individual file names facilitate data management. For example, in addition to predefined names, (for example, Clicks April to May), you can also create dynamic name parts using placeholders.
      <%group.name%> creates a file with the group name.
      <%message.Name%> creates a file with the message name.
      Example: Clicker_<%group.name%> creates an export file with the group name as part of the file name. For an export file in the group ​Sport​, the file name is Clicker_Sport.

    • Style sheet: This drop-down list defines the format of the generated export file. The format can be either XML or CSV. Two different CSV formats are available that produce files that use different separators. Separation characters can also be customized with parameters.

      • CSV (Tab): This style sheet creates a CSV file with a tab as separator.

      • CSVS: This style sheet creates a CSV file with a comma as separator.

      • XML: This style sheet creates an XML file.

      • Custom Style Sheet: This item allows you to select a custom style sheet that was created for your system. An input field opens to allow you to enter the name of the custom style sheet. This style sheet is for creating custom XML files. For CSV files, the separator can be customized using parameters. Custom style sheets are an extra feature and are available for an extra cost. Contact your Account Manager to apply custom style sheets.

    • Save as ZIP: This drop-down list defines whether the exported file is compressed into a ZIP file.

      • No: This item saves the file without compressing the XML or CSV file.

      • Yes: This item saves the file as a compressed ZIP file.

    • Delta-Export: This drop-down list defines whether all available data is to be exported, or only data since the last export.

      • No: This option exports all system data that fulfills the selected export criteria. This export does not consider whether data has already been exported at an earlier date.

      • Yes: This option only exports data that is new in the system since the date of the last export. Data that was already exported by the job at an earlier point in time is not exported a second time.

    • Export From: The input field defines the point in time from which data will be exported. Data that is dated before this time is not included in the export. The date format is ​YYYY-MM-DD​. A start date is mandatory for events-based activities.

    • : This button opens a calendar. Click the desired calendar date to insert inserts the correct date format automatically in the input field ​Export From​ or ​Export To​.

    • Export To: This input field defines until what date data is exported. Data that are dated after this time is not included in the export. The date format is ​YYYY-MM-DD​.


    This area adds additional fields for parameters. Parameters modify how the job is processed.

    The first input field defines the parameter. The second input field defines the value that defines the parameter.

    Enter the parameters exactly as listed here. The entries are case-sensitive.




    Change the separator in a CSV-file

    A standard CSV export has either a comma or tab as separator. Other separators can be defined with the command ​separator​.


    (Enter the desired separator.)

    Example:​ ;​ (semicolon).

    Define additional data for export

    Normally, the specific export type (openers, recipients, and so on) that is selected defines what data is exported. However, you can also define a custom data export using the command ​fields.​ When using a command, You must indicate explicitly what data is exported from the system.


    (Enter the data to be exported.)

    Example: ​user.email​, ​link_url​.

    The data that is entered here must actually be available for export. For example, when exporting blacklist data, no data from the attribute user.email is available. This data cannot be exported with the parameter.

    Change the order of the fields

    You can define the order of the fields in the export file.


    Enter the fields in the order you want. Example:

    ​user.ISOLanguageCode, user.Email, user.Title, user.LastName, user.Identifier, user.MobileNumber​.

    Rename CSV header names

    When exporting data in a CSV file, by default, the naming of the header follows the databank names in the Mapp Engage system. This naming can be overridden with the command ​heading​.

    Example: By default, the export file contains the following headers: ​user.CustomAttribute.key, user.CustomAttribute.custnumber, user.Email, user.LastName, user.FirstName​.


    (Entry of header names in the order in which they should appear in the CSV file.)

    Example: ​Key, Customer ID, Email, Last Name, First Name​.

    The export file is customized accordingly, and the exported CSV header contains the specified entries.

    Increase the number of messages included in the export

    By default, data is exported for 30 messages. The parameter ​max-num-messages​ increases the maximum number of messages.


    (Enter a number between 30 and 100.)

    Data for up to 100 messages is exported.

    Increase the number of days that are included in the export

    By default, data is exported for the last 100 days. The parameter ​max-report-days​ increases the maximum number of days.


    (Enter a number, for example 150.)

    Send an XML version of the export report to a specific email address

    An XML version of the export report can be sent to a specific email address.


    Enter the email address.



    This button saves your changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here you define the date and time of execution. For more information, see Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​.

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