Export Statistics for Multiple Group Messages
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    Export Statistics for Multiple Group Messages

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    Article summary


    To export statistics for one or more group messages. The export is a CSV file. For a list of the exported KPIs, see ​Exported Information: Group Message Statistics.

    To send the export to a server, set up a regularly scheduled automation. The export is delivered to the server or to your email address as often as you choose. For more information, see ​Export Group Message Statistics.

    Background Information​

    This export gives you aggregated, message-based KPIs that clearly show the success of your messages. The CSV file includes statistics for the group messages that you select in the Group Message Statistics window.

    This data is useful if you need to create regular reports about the success of your campaigns. For example, you can download group message KPIs at the end of each month.


    1. In the ​main navigation​ menu, click ​Statistics​ > Group Messages > Email/AMP Email/SMS/PushNotifications/In-App Messages

    2. Select the checkbox ​Select All to export an overview of all messages.

      - or -

      Use the checkboxes at the end of each message row to export a selected number of messages.

    3. Click the ​Export button. A status message informs you that an export file has been created. After the data is successfully exported, the system sends you an email with a link to the exported file. This email is sent to the email address with which you are registered in the system. The link is valid for 7 days.

    4. Open the link in the email sent to you by the system. The system log-in page opens.

    5. Log in to the system. The ​Export View window opens.

    6. Click the ​Export button, to open or save the file.

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