Exported Information: Export Data
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    Exported Information: Export Data

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    Article summary

    The job ​Export Data​ offers several different export types, each exporting different types of data (see Export Data to Server​).

    Group-based exports​

    All address export filters provide the following standard information:

    ​user.Email, user.FirstName, user.Identifier, user.Bounced, User.DateOfBirth, user.ISOCountryCode, user.ISOLanguageCode, user.LastName, user.MobileNumber, user.Nickname, user.PK, user.RegistrationDate, user.Source , user.Title, user.ZipCode​

    • Active Members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, userPartnerID​

    • Active members (without responses): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, user.PartnerId​

    • Pending Members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role​

    • Responses in group (still members): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, member.BouncedSince, member.BounceCategory​

    • Current members (group) - without message delivery: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:

    • All members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, user.PartnerId​

    • Unconfirmed Members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, user.PartnerId​

    • Members who manually unsubscribed: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:

    • Members who manually subscribed: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​subscription.SourceAddress, subscription.SubscriptionDate, user.PartnerId​

    • Subscriptions (all): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​subscription.SourceAddress, subscription.SubscriptionDate, user.PartnerId​

    • Unsubscribes (all): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​unsubscription.UnsubscriptionDate, user.PartnerId​

    Message-based exports​

    All address export filters provide the following standard information:

    ​user.Email, user.FirstName, user.Identifier, user.Bounced, User.DateOfBirth, user.ISOCountryCode, user.ISOLanguageCode, user.LastName, user.MobileNumber, user.Nickname, user.PK, user.RegistrationDate, user.Source , user.Title, user.ZipCode​

    • Recipients: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​recipient.CreationDate, recipient.MessagePK, user.PartnerId​

    • No Open Detected: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:

    • Clicks: Clickers (Unique) per Link: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​clickthrucategory.Name, clickthrulink.Alias, clickthrulink.Description, clickthrulink.LinkURL, clickthrutracking.ClickDate, clickthrutracking.MessagePK, user.PartnerId​
      An address can appear multiple times in the export file. One click per link is exported for each recipient.

    • Message Forwards: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​forward.ForwardDate, forward.MessagePK​

    • Openers: Only the above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses.

    • Opens (not clicked): Only the above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses.

    • Responses (all) - stored in system: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​bounce.BounceCategory, bounce.BounceDate, bounce.BounceText, bounce.MessagePK​

    Other address-based exports​

    All address export filters provide the following standard information:

    ​user.Email, user.FirstName, user.Identifier, user.Bounced, User.DateOfBirth, user.ISOCountryCode, user.ISOLanguageCode, user.LastName, user.MobileNumber, user.Nickname, user.PK, user.RegistrationDate, user.Source , user.Title, user.ZipCode​

    • Conversion Tracking: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
      ​exteventtracking.OtherRequestParams, exteventtracking.MessagePK, exteventtracking.Amount, exteventtracking.Timestamp, user.PartnerIduser.PartnerId​

    Blacklist Entries​

    This export does not include any information about recipients. It only contains information about the blacklists.

    • System-wide blacklists:
      ​blacklist.CreationDate, blacklist.Pattern, blacklist.Verified​

    • Group Blacklists:
      ​blacklist.CreationDate, blacklist.Pattern, blacklist.Verified​

    Group Attributes ​

    group.PropertyName, group.PropertyValue

    This export does not include any information about recipients. Only the group attributes are exported.

    ​group.PropertyName, group.PropertyValue​

    Domain statistics​

    This export does not include any information about recipients. The data only pertains to domain statistics.

    By default, data can be exported for a maximum of 30 messages. The export can be extended to a maximum 100 messages.

    Exported data:

    ​actual_rcpts, blocked, blocked_rate. clicks, clicks_rate, complaint, complaint_rate, dcheck_expected, dcheck_spam, dchekd_received, domain, invalid, invalid_rate, last_update, openers, openers_rate, rcpt_rate, rcpts, rejected, rejected_rate, transient, transient_rate, unique-clicks, unique-clicks_rate, unique-openers, unique-openers_rate, unknown, unknown_rate​

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