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Exported Information: Export Data
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The job Export Data offers several different export types, each exporting different types of data (see Export Data to Server).
Group-based exports
All address export filters provide the following standard information:
user.Email, user.FirstName, user.Identifier, user.Bounced, User.DateOfBirth, user.ISOCountryCode, user.ISOLanguageCode, user.LastName, user.MobileNumber, user.Nickname, user.PK, user.RegistrationDate, user.Source , user.Title, user.ZipCode
Active Members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, userPartnerIDActive members (without responses): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, user.PartnerIdPending Members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.RoleResponses in group (still members): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, member.BouncedSince, member.BounceCategoryCurrent members (group) - without message delivery: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
user.PartnerIdAll members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, user.PartnerIdUnconfirmed Members: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
member.CreationDate, member.Delivery, member.EmailFormat, member.MessageCounter, member.MobileFormat, member.Role, user.PartnerIdMembers who manually unsubscribed: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
unsubscription.UnsubscriptionDateMembers who manually subscribed: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
subscription.SourceAddress, subscription.SubscriptionDate, user.PartnerIdSubscriptions (all): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
subscription.SourceAddress, subscription.SubscriptionDate, user.PartnerIdUnsubscribes (all): The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
unsubscription.UnsubscriptionDate, user.PartnerId
Message-based exports
All address export filters provide the following standard information:
user.Email, user.FirstName, user.Identifier, user.Bounced, User.DateOfBirth, user.ISOCountryCode, user.ISOLanguageCode, user.LastName, user.MobileNumber, user.Nickname, user.PK, user.RegistrationDate, user.Source , user.Title, user.ZipCode
Recipients: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
recipient.CreationDate, recipient.MessagePK, user.PartnerIdNo Open Detected: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
user.PartnerIdClicks: Clickers (Unique) per Link: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
clickthrucategory.Name, clickthrulink.Alias, clickthrulink.Description, clickthrulink.LinkURL, clickthrutracking.ClickDate, clickthrutracking.MessagePK, user.PartnerId
An address can appear multiple times in the export file. One click per link is exported for each recipient.Message Forwards: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
forward.ForwardDate, forward.MessagePKOpeners: Only the above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses.
Opens (not clicked): Only the above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses.
Responses (all) - stored in system: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
bounce.BounceCategory, bounce.BounceDate, bounce.BounceText, bounce.MessagePK
Other address-based exports
All address export filters provide the following standard information:
user.Email, user.FirstName, user.Identifier, user.Bounced, User.DateOfBirth, user.ISOCountryCode, user.ISOLanguageCode, user.LastName, user.MobileNumber, user.Nickname, user.PK, user.RegistrationDate, user.Source , user.Title, user.ZipCode
Conversion Tracking: The above-listed standard information is exported for all relevant addresses. The following data are also exported:
exteventtracking.OtherRequestParams, exteventtracking.MessagePK, exteventtracking.Amount, exteventtracking.Timestamp, user.PartnerIduser.PartnerId
Blacklist Entries
This export does not include any information about recipients. It only contains information about the blacklists.
System-wide blacklists:
blacklist.CreationDate, blacklist.Pattern, blacklist.VerifiedGroup Blacklists:
blacklist.CreationDate, blacklist.Pattern, blacklist.Verified
Group Attributes
group.PropertyName, group.PropertyValue
This export does not include any information about recipients. Only the group attributes are exported.
group.PropertyName, group.PropertyValue
Domain statistics
This export does not include any information about recipients. The data only pertains to domain statistics.
By default, data can be exported for a maximum of 30 messages. The export can be extended to a maximum 100 messages.
Exported data:
actual_rcpts, blocked, blocked_rate. clicks, clicks_rate, complaint, complaint_rate, dcheck_expected, dcheck_spam, dchekd_received, domain, invalid, invalid_rate, last_update, openers, openers_rate, rcpt_rate, rcpts, rejected, rejected_rate, transient, transient_rate, unique-clicks, unique-clicks_rate, unique-openers, unique-openers_rate, unknown, unknown_rate