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Percent of All Visitors
Shows in what percentage of all visitors the dimension was tracked. Example: Suppose there are two users: the first user visits the pages "Home" and "Search", the second user only visits the page "Home". The pages analysis shows the following...
Percent of All Visits
Shows in what percentage of all visits the dimension was tracked. Example: Suppose there are two visits: In the first visit, the pages "Home" and "Search" are accessed, in the second visit only the page "Home" is accessed. The Pages analysis ...
Add to Shopping Cart Rate percent
Shows the percentage of viewed products, that were also added to the shopping cart within the same visit. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Shows the amount of campaign contacts in the customer journey, that did not get the conversion assigned based on the default attribution. It is a customer journey metric, thus it is only available, when a website goal was achieved. Example: ...
Assists, Unique
Shows the number of customer journeys, during which a campaign was used, but to which no conversion was assigned based on the default attribution. It is a customer journey metric, thus it is only available when a website goal was achieved. Exam...
Avg. Order Value (Month N)
The metric of the cohorts analysis shows, how the average order value per month developed since the first visit. Use the metric with the dimension "Cohorts (Monthly)". Month 0 = The order value generated on average within the first 29 days. Mont...
Avg Play Duration
Shows, how many seconds of the media were actually played on average. Example User A watches a video for 30 seconds, User B watches the video 20 seconds. The Avg Play Duration = (30 + 20 ) / 2 = 25 seconds.
Bounce Rate Percent
Shows the share of entries that had only one page impression in their visit. Often this formula is used to evaluate marketing campaigns or entry pages. Example: A user views three pages: Days analysis ( Visitors > Traffic ) Fo...
Brand Search Percent
Shows in percentage, how often a brand keyword was used in an external search request via the search engine. The brand keyword has to be denoted in the marketing configuration ( Q3 > Configuration > Marketing Configuration > Brand Search &...
Campaign Costs Sales Relation Percent
Shows the ratio of campaign costs to order value.
Campaign CPO
Shows the campaign costs per order. The default attribution model is used.
Campaign CTR
Displays the number of campaign clicks in relation to total campaign views.
Campaign eCPC
The Campaign eCPC (effective Cost per Click) shows the campaign costs per campaign click.
Campaign eCPM
The Campaign eCPM (effective Cost per Mille) shows the campaign costs per one thousand impressions.
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts Avg
Shows, how often a campaign on average was clicked within a customer journey. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Avg Days)
Shows the number of days, that passed on average from the first campaign contact to the achievement of a website goal. "0" means that the duration was less than 24 hours.
Campaign ROI
The Campaign ROI (return on investment) shows the order value excluding the campaign costs. The default attribution model is used.
Click Rate Percent
Shows the ratio of page impressions to the clicks on the same page.
Clicks per Visit
Shows the number of events (e.g. links), that were clicked within a visit.
Conversion Initiator Percent
Shows, what percentage of the campaigns were the first contact within the customer journey. At least 2 campaign contacts have to exist. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between 3 status within the customer journey: Conversion Initiator Conv...
Conversion Rate Percent
Shows the ratio of visitors per day to orders. Due to the metric scope "Visit", all orders in a visit are considered. Because "Visitors, Daily Unique" is used, you also can compare the conversion rate for time periods with different length....
Conversion Rate Percent ([Best Depth of Engagement])
Shows in which share of all visits the best depth of engagement was reached. Depths of Engagement can be configured individually at Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Depths of Engagement . Further information can be found in the training chapte...
Conversion Rate New Visitors, Unique
This formula shows how many orders visitors performed in their first visit. The filter restricts the data on the first visit. Using the metric scope "Visit", all orders within a visit are taken into account. Similar figures Conversion R...
Conversion Rate (Month N) Percent
The metric of the cohorts analysis shows, how the conversion rate developed per month since the first visit. Use the metric with the dimension "Cohorts (Monthly)". Month 0 = The conversion rate within the first 29 days. Month 1 = The conversi...
Conversion Rate, Unique
Shows the ratio of visitors to orders. If you use this metric together with time dimension, visitors are counted uniquely per time unit. Because the metric scope "visit" is used, all orders in the visit are counted. Example: A user per...
Conversion Supporter Percent
Shows, what percentage of campaigns participated in a customer journey while neither being the first nor the last contact. At least 3 campaign contacts have to exist. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between 3 status within the customer journey: ...
Conversion Transformer Percent
Shows, what percentage of the campaigns were the last contact in the customer journey. If the customer journey only consists of one campaign contact, this is assigned as "Conversion Transformer". Mapp Intelligence differentiates between 3 status...
Conversion Value Supported
The "Conversion Value Supported" is the conversion value to which a campaign contact contributed without getting assigned the conversion (according to the standard attribution). Example for the standard attribution "Last Campaign": If a so...
Conversionvalue Avg
Shows the average value of a conversion. The conversionvalue is based on a tracked conversion, thus a website goal was achieved. Depending on the website goal the conversionvalue is: Website goal "Order": Conversionvalue = Order Value Webs...
Day in Customer Journey Ø
Shows, on which day after the first contact in the customer journey an ad media was accessed on average. "0" shows the same day.
Devices per User
Shows how many devices or browsers a visitor uses. Users can only be identified across multiple devices or browsers when passing the login information as a customer ID and/or when using the Cross Device Bridge.
Engagement Avg (Campaigns)
Shows the average amount of e-commerce events, that a user generated in the course of a visit after a campaign click. All e-commerce events on the campaign landingpage are not considered for the calculation of the engagement. The same goes for t...
Entry Rate Percent
Shows the share of entries on the visits. This metric is often used in pages analyses. An entry is assigned to the page that was accessed first within a visit. Example: A user views the following pages: Pages analysis ( Navigati...
Exit Rate Percent
Shows the share of exits on the number of visits. This formula is often used in the pages analysis. An exit is assigned to the page that was viewed in the visit last. Examples: A user views the following pages: Pages Analysis ( ...
Form Abandon Rate Percent
Shows in percentage, how often a form was not submitted.
Form Field Abandon Rate Percent
Shows the ratio between form field accesses and form field abandonments. Thus, in how many percents a specific form field was accessed, but the form was not submitted. No interaction with the field has to be measured in order to track it. The mea...
Form Field Completion Rate Percent
Shows in percentage, how often a form field was completed.
Last Form Field Cursor Percent
Shows, how often a form field was the last field in a form to have the focus/cursor. This means, a mouse click was performed into this form field or a keyboard entry happened. It is not relevant, whether the form was abandoned or sent. Example:...
Maximum Run Time Percent
Shows, for what percentage the media was viewed. Example: A video is 2 minutes long and 1 minute was viewed. "Maximum Run Time %" is 50 %.
Media Viewers Percent
This formula shows which share of media viewers (i.e., Visitor with at least one media view) have been assigned to a specific dimension value. This formula is mainly used in media analyses. Here it shows which share of all media viewers have view...
Mobile Visit Rate Percent
Shows the share of visits with a mobile device on all visits.
New Visitor Rate Percent (Campaigns)
Shows the share of visitors, that visited the website for the first time and clicked a campaign on all visitors, that clicked a campaign. New visitors are identified by Mapp Intelligence if no cookie exists and/or a no known customer ID is tracked....
New Visit Rate Percent
Shows the share of new and unknown visits on all visits. The recognition of a user as a New Visitor or Returning Visitor is based on cookies and/or the Customer ID. Example: The green user performs her first visit on Feb 13 and her second visit...
Order Value Avg
Shows the average order value per order. If you use this metric in campaign analyses, the calculation is done based on the defined default attribution.
Organic Source Percent
Shows the share of referrer accesses that were tracked without a campaign that was based on a media code.
Page Impr. per Visit
Shows the average amount of page impressions per visit. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Position in Campaign Lifecycle Avg.
Shows on which position within the customer journey the ad media was accessed on average. Example: In a customer journey, a campaign was accessed in the first and third positions. "Position in Campaign Lifecycle Avg" is "2".
Contacts in Campaign Lifecycle Avg
Shows on which position in percentage the campaign has been within the customer journey : 0 % = at the start, 100 % = at the end. Examples A) One campaign within the customer journey Customer Journey: Campaign A B) Two campaigns withi...
Process Step Conversion Rate Percent
Shows, what percentage of accesses of a process step accessed the subsequent process step or an optional step. The fact on how the conversion is counted specifically depends on the chosen validity in the configuration of the process: Validi...
Process Step Exit Rate Percent
Shows the percentage of accesses, for which the following mandatory or optional process step was not accessed. The fact on how the exit is counted specifically depends on the chosen validity in the configuration of the process: Validity "Pr...
Product Conversion Rate
Shows the ratio of product purchases to product views. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Product in List CTR
Product list tracking allows you to analyze which products were viewed and clicked on which position on the product overview page. This figure shows the ratio of product views to product views in the list. The calculation is only working when usin...
Product List Position Avg. (Products Added to Wishlist)
This figure shows the average position of products viewed in the wishlist.
Product List Position Avg. (products added to cart)
Product list tracking allows you to analyze which products were viewed and clicked on which position on the product overview page. This figure shows the average position that products added to the cart were viewed in the product list.
Product List Position Avg. (Purchased Products)
Product list tracking allows you to analyze which products were viewed and clicked on which position on the product overview page. This figure shows the average position of purchased products in the product list.
Product List Position Avg. (Viewed Products)
Product list tracking allows you to analyze which products were viewed and clicked on which position on the product overview page. This figure shows the average position in the product list where the products were viewed.
Product List Position Avg. (Viewed Products in List)
Product list tracking allows you to analyze which products were viewed and clicked on which position on the product overview page. This figure shows the average position for products that were viewed in the product list.
Products in Basket Avg
Shows the average amount of products in the shopping cart. Note: This metric is not suitable for being used in product analyses, as "Qty Purchased Products" has a direct product relation. In this case, the metric depicts, how often the same pr...
Products not Purchased Percent
Shows the percentage of products, that were added to the shopping cart but not purchased within the same visit. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Product Views per Visit
Shows the average number of product views per visit.
Qty Products not Purchased
Shows the amount of products added to the shopping cart, that were not purchased within the visit. Further Information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Qty Campaign Source Percent
Shows the share of all referrer accesses that happened via campaigns based on media codes. Similar Figures Qty Sources Qty Campaign Source Qty Organic Source Organic Source %
Qty Submitted Forms
Shows, how often a form was submitted. "Submitted" means the use of the submit button of a form.
Rank in Basket Avg
Shows on which ranking position in the shopping cart the product was placed on average at the time of the purchase. Examples: 2 orders were performed: This yields the following results for this metric:
Returning Visit Rate Percent
Shows the ratio of returning visits to all visits. The assignment of whether a visitor is a new visitor or a returning visitor is done by the presence of a cookies and/or customer ID.
Revenue Uplift Percent
Displays the percentage change in performance of the order value of an internal teaser compared to the average performance of all internal teasers. This metric only works, when you have teaser tracking active.
Sales Funnel: Basket Exit Rate Percent
Shows the share of visits with at least one product in the shopping cart that did not lead to a purchase (i.e., the product was not purchased within this visit).
Submit Rate Percent
Shows in percentage, how often a form was sent (thus, the submit button was clicked).
Teaser Conversion rate
Shows the conversion rate for teasers, i.e. the rate of teaser views to teaser conversions. Example: A teaser was viewed 10 times; in one case, a website goal was attained via this teaser. Then the teaser conversion rate is 10 percent. Further ...
Teaser - CTR
Shows the click rate of teasers, i.e. the rate of teaser views on teaser clicks. Example: A teaser was viewed ten times and clicked one time. Then the teaser CTR is 10 percent. This metric is available after configuring the parameters for teaser t...
Time prior to Conversion Avg (Impulse Conversion)
Shows the time that passed between the campaign click and the achievement of a website goal. Note that the time is calculated for each Campaign Click, not only for the last one.
Turnover Rate Percent
Shows the share an object (e.g. campaign, page, weekday) has on the total turnover. Example: 2 users access the following pages ("Page C" is the order confirmation page) and generate the corresponding turnover: The following values are dep...
User - Campaign New Visitor CLV
With this metric, it is possible to evaluate campaigns in reference to their long-term value. For example, it could be that a campaign generated only a few conversions in the short term but nevertheless attracted valuable customers. Shows the o...
User Profile - Conversion Rate Percent
Shows the relation of the number of orders to the number of visits.
User Profile - Orders with Discount Rate Percent
Shows the share of orders with a discount on the total amount of orders. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference.
User Profile - Order Value Avg.
Shows the average order value that a visitor generated since his first contact. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference.
User Profile - Return shipment Share Percent
Shows the share of returns on all orders. Note that analyzing the development of this formula over time is usually not useful because there is no time reference. The return must be passed to Mapp Intelligence using the predefined E-Commerce param...
User Profile - Visit Frequency Avg. (Days)
Shows how many days passed on average between visits. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference.
User - Days between contacts Avg.
Shows how many days, on average, passed between visits. Mapp Intelligence determines the distance to the previous visit in days for every visit. The first visit is not considered for the calculation. The value is depicted as average in the metr...
User - Days between orders Avg.
Shows the number of days that have passed on average between orders. Mapp Intelligence determines the distance to the previous order in days for each order. The number of days to the first visit is depicted for the first order. Further Information...
User - Days to 1st Order Avg.
Shows the average number of days passed between the first visit and the first order.
User - Predicted Churn Probability Percent
Shows the probability of a visitor not visiting your website within the next 90 days. Predicted Conversion Probability, Predicted Churn Probability, Predicted Next Basket, and Predicted Customer Lifetime Value are part of Mapp Cloud's Artificial I...
User - Predicted Conversion Probability Percent
Shows the probability of a visitor making a purchase within the next 30 days. Predicted Conversion Probability, Predicted Churn Probability, Predicted Next Basket, and Predicted Customer Lifetime Value are part of Mapp Cloud's Artificial Intellige...
User - Predicted Customer Lifetime Value
Shows the order value a user predicted to generate within the next 12 months. The calculation is based on the prediction for the Next Basket Value and multiplied by 12 to get a predicted value for the next 12 months. Predicted Conversion Probabi...
User with more than Three Devices Percent
Shows the percentage of visitors that used more than three devices (or browsers). Note that users can only be identified across multiple devices or browsers when passing the login information as a customer ID and/or when using the Cross Device Br...
User with One Device Percent
Shows the percentage of visitors that used exactly one device (or browser). Please note that users can only be identified across multiple devices or browsers when passing the login information as a customer ID and/or when using the Cross Device B...
User with Three Devices Percent
Shows the percentage of visitors that used exactly three devices (or browsers). Please note that users can only be identified across multiple devices or browsers when passing the login information as a customer ID and/or when using the Cross Devi...
User with Two Devices Percent
Shows the percentage of visitors that used exactly two devices (or browsers). Please note that users can only be identified across multiple devices or browsers when passing the login information as a customer ID and/or when using the Cross Device...
Visits Percent
The Visit % shows the percentage distribution of visits within any given analysis. This metric helps visualize how frequently specific dimensions—such as pages, campaigns, devices, or other categories—are visited within a selected period. It’s par...
Visits (Mediacode Entry) Percent
Shows the percentage of visits, that started with campaigns basing on an URL parameter. The basis for this is, that campaigns are measured in Mapp Intelligence.
Visit Duration Avg
Shows how many seconds a visit lasted on average. Because of the "Pages" scope, this formula does not always show the duration of the whole visit. The page duration of the last page of a visit (the exit page) cannot be determined. 30 seconds...
Visits Organic Percent
Shows what percentage of all visits did not start with a campaign basing on an URL parameter. The basis for this is, that campaigns are measured in Mapp Intelligence.
Visits per Visitor
Shows the number of visits a visitor makes. Example A user views three pages: For the corresponding day, two visits are shown because there were more than 30 minutes between the pages "search" and "home". Visits per Visitor is 2. ...
Visits with Brand Search Phrase Percent
Shows the percentage of visits, in which a brand keyword was tracked in the external search phrases via the search engine.
Visitors Percent
The Visitors % metric shows the percentage distribution of visitors that include specified pages, helping to visualize how frequently certain pages are visited within a chosen period. This metric is useful for understanding the relative share of v...
Visitors Mobile Phone Percent
Shows the share of visitors via mobile phone on all visitors.
Visitors PC/Laptop Percent
Shows the share of visitors via PC/Laptop on all visitors.
Visitors, returning Percent (Month N)
The metric of the cohorts analysis shows, what percentage of the new visitors of a defined month returned per month. Use the metric with the dimension "Cohorts (Monthly)". Month 0 = Returning visitors within the first 29 days. Is always 100 %. ...