Generate a Coupon Export
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    Generate a Coupon Export

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    Article summary


    To generate an export of coupon information.


    • The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the Coupon Manager, contact your customer service representative.

    • The coupon export is created as an export template.

    • An FTP server where the export data can be saved. The FTP server can be enabled by Mapp as an optional feature, or an existing FTP can be used.
      To request an FTP server, contact your customer service representative.

    Background Information​

    In Engage, coupons are managed in lists. Coupon lists manage the individual coupons that are used in a message sendout. To ensure well organized coupon management, each coupon list should only contain one type of coupon (for example, free shipping or 25% discount).

    Engage administers the distribution of coupons to the message recipients (see ​Add Coupons to a Message​). The coupon is inserted into the message with a complex personalisation (Insert-If expression). A coupon can only be sent one time to one recipient.

    The export contains selected information about the coupon message, individual recipients and the unique coupon code that was sent to each recipient. The template that is created for the export is reusable.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation, click ​Administration > Exports.
      ⇒ The ​Exports Overview window opens.
      Coupon list export data is displayed with the type ​Sendout Details for Coupons.

    2. Click the   symbol next to the export you want to generate.
      ⇒ A system message displays with information about the status of the export.
      The file is generated and uploaded to the server specified in the export template. This process may take some time.

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