Getting Started with Web Push
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    Getting Started with Web Push

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    Article summary

    Web Push notifications help you to reach users through their preferred browser.

    Basic Information

    Some of the key benefits of Web push include its improvement of your reach and engagement. You can choose who you'd like to reach with each push, reminding returning visitors of an abandoned cart or new visitors that you have an on going sale. You can use Web Push with or without Mapp Intelligence. This allows you to set up your Web Push with our Tag Integration system or Java script 


    • An existing Google Firebase account.

    • An existing Mapp Engage account.

    • (optional) An existing Mapp Intelligence integration with pixel version 3.2.1 or higher.

    • Permission from visitors to contact them. This will be done with an automated pop up in their browser when you attempt to reach them 

    Please note you will need to speak with your Account Manager about setting up Web Push in your account. 


    A) Technical Setup

    With Intelligence

    If you use Mapp Intelligence on your website, you should use this set up so your customer engagement with web push messages is tracked.



    Step 1: Configuration Firebase and Service Worker

    This page guides you in how to set up your Firebase account which will be the basis for your messaging.

    Step 2: Configuring and Activating the Web Push Plugin

    Learn how to set up your Web Push plugin. 

    Step 3: Set up in Mapp Engage

    How to set up your channel and Push with Engage

    Without Intelligence



    Step 1: Configuration Firebase and Service Worker

    This page guides you in how to set up your Firebase account which will be the basis for your messaging.

    Step 2: Configuring and Activating the Web Push Script

    Learn how to set up your Javascript to activate webpush on your page. 

    Step 3: Login of the user

    Gives you the code to call when a user visits your website. 

    Step 4: Set up in Mapp Engage

    Finally, how to set up your channel and prepare a message in Engage!

    B) Create Web Push Notification



    Send an Abandoned Cart Reminder via Web Push

    Use cases for inspiration

    Send a Flash-Sale Announcement via Web Push

    C) Monitor performance



    Web Push Channel Statistics

    Provides an overview of all web push notifications, allowing you to see the statistics for each.

    Related Topics

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    Engage Technical Requirements & Download

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