Hours prior to Conversion
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    Hours prior to Conversion

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    Article summary

    Shows the number of hours between ad media contact and attainment of a website goal.

    This metric can be used, e.g., to filter customer journeys.

    Example for using this metric in a filter: Consider only campaigns that were used 24 to 48 hours before a website goal was attained.

    Example for using this metric in an analysis:

    "Google Organic" was the second out of three used campaigns before attainment of the website goal "Order" which happened on July 07th, 2018.

    The time span between the click on the first campaign and the order was 32 hours.
    The time span between the click on the second campaign and the order was 14 hours.
    The time span between the click on the third campaign and the order was less than 1 hour.

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