How are Marketing Campaigns Processed?
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    How are Marketing Campaigns Processed?

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    Article summary

    Sources of a campaign

    Mapp Intelligence can utilize various sources to organize and identify your marketing campaigns. These can be found in a URL parameter or referrer.

    Referrer-based data sources include:

    • SEO

    • Social Media Referrers

    • Other Sources

    You should exclude your own domain. This can be done by adding the domain in the Mapp pixel or Tag Integration.

    The information is retrieved by the Intelligence pixel and can be found in the query string.

    You can select the data source when setting up a campaign:


    There are three stages when processing a request:

    1. Does the request include a URL parameter? If yes:

      1. Is there an existing campaign (Ad Media) with a matching source value (e.g. wt_mc=newsletter.cw36)?

      2. Is there an automatic channel configured, that matches the data source value? Then a new campaign is created. 

    2. Does the request include a referrer (such as SEO, Social Media, or other sources)? If yes:

      1. Is there an existing campaign (Ad Media) that has a matching source value (e.g.

      2. Is there an automatic channel configured, that matches the data source value? Then a new campaign is created. 

    3. Is it the first request in a visit? This is a direct entry (such as via a bookmark, email program).

      1. Is there an existing campaign (Ad Media) which has direct entries as a data source?

    If none of these conditions are met, the information cannot be stored in a campaign.

    For more information on setting up campaigns, please see:

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