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How can I import data via Excel file?
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For specific dimensions, data can be imported via categories. This can be done via Excel, JSON interface, and Datafeed.
Further information about the setup of categories can be found here.
The example shows the process for an Excel import.
Follow the depicted steps for doing so:
At Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Categories click on the import/export icon of the category, that you want to fill via Excel import.
In the following layer click on "Export".
Assign values
The assignment of the categories to the dimension values is done in the Excel file.
This example shows the dimension "Pages" with 3 content groups ("Main category", "Sub category", "Article").
Insert the missing values for the content groups into the Excel file.
You can also use placeholders ("*").
Example: All pages, that start with "topics", are assigned to the content group Main category "topics".
Now the file can be imported again. Go to the browser and choose in the layer the Import-tab.
Optionally, the import can also be repeated on a daily basis (only useful when using placeholders).
At the next account update (usually every hour) the upload will be imported.
The current status can be viewed at "Show Current Imports". Possibly occurred errors are listed here, too.