How Media Tracking works
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    How Media Tracking works

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    Article summary

    The media tracking pixel and the Mapp Intelligence tracking pixel can be used independently. The media usage of the users on your website can also be recorded without the tracking of your website itself for media analysis.

    We strongly recommend that you configure and create at least one pixel instance on each page sending media requests, otherwise, media tracking will work via third-party cookies and it may not be possible to merge users. We recommand sending a page view with media requests on each page or creating at least one pixel instance (Webtrekk V3).

    The following describes the logic by which the media pixel performs a tracking configuration plus EverID:

    When calling "wt_init_media," you pass the track ID and the track domain to which the media requests are to be sent. The media pixel then searches for all v3/ v4/ v5 pixel instances and checks whether the transferred track ID matches an existing pixel instance. As soon as such an instance is found, it is stored internally, and all media requests are sent with the configuration and userID of that instance.

    If no matching instance is found, the media pixel searches for an existing v2 instance and uses it if found. If no v2 instance was found, the media pixel creates its own internal media pixel instance with the specified configuration and a third-party cookie user ID. If no configuration is passed, nothing happens.

    Then use "wt_sendinfo_media" to send the appropriate media requests. With each call, the system checks whether the "wt_init_media" has already been called and whether an instance exists. If none exists, the system searches for a v2 instance and calls the "wt_init_media" if available (compatibility, since there was no "wt_init_media" before). If no v2 instance was found, all existing v3/ v4/ v5 pixel instances are taken over, and the requests are sent to all accounts there.

    If no instance was found and no configuration was passed to the media pixel, no requests will be sent.

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