How Tag Integration works
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    How Tag Integration works

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    Article summary

    Here, you will learn which basic components are required to implement tags in your website, as well as the correlation of the individual elements to each other.

    The following table provides an overview of the components of an underlying implementation:




    A container is a kind of "folder," in which all plugins are located, to be executed on the specific domains. This means that different domains specify different containers.

    There must be a container per Mapp Intelligence account (for example, live environment, test environment).


    Plugins contain the actual tracking tag functionality. Parameters and rules are defined per plugin to determine the data transfer to Mapp or a partner application. There are two different kinds of plugins in Tag Integration:

    • Predefined plugin
      Necessary parameters can be specified as free text or via dropdown lists.

    • Custom plugin

      You can enter any JavaScript function in text form. Specify parameters as code fragments.


      Please note that when creating custom plugins, Tag Integration is working asynchronously and thus no synchronous JavaScript functions can be used.


    Parameters are any information included on your website that you need (for example, page name, order number). These must be available as a URL or JavaScript parameters. Parameters can be used in any number of plugins.


    Execution rules are defined using page-URL, JavaScript parameters or events. Rules describe the conditions that must be met to issue specific tags. You can combine various conditions with each other via a filter function. Rules can be used in any number of plugins.

    The following graphic visualizes the relationships between the components of a Tag Integration instance.

    1. First, the relevant parameters and rules are defined.

    2. Then you can add these parameters to a plugin.

    3. Within a plugin, you determine the rule that triggers the execution of a plugin.

      Please note that when creating custom plugins, Tag Integration is working asynchronously and thus no synchronous JavaScript functions can be used.

    4. In the last step, create one container per domain and add the configured plugins according to your requirements.

    You find additional information in the training chapter Implementation 2 – Data Collection.

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