How to Personalize Emails with eCommerce and Related Data Tables
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    How to Personalize Emails with eCommerce and Related Data Tables

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    Article summary

    General Information

    This page describes how to personalize Email messages in Mapp Engage, combining data from related data and eCommerce tables.

    Note that eCommerce triggers cannot be set up using Related Data. To do that, you must use the Product Catalog.


    1. Create a Related Data table: Administration > Attributes > Related Data

      • Create a new related data table called "myrdlistwithproductdata".

      • The table must use a unique unlinked key.

      • Add two String fields to the table:

        • description

        • price

      • Documentation: Create Related Data Set

    2. Import sample data into this related data table. For more information, see Import Data Into Related Data Set.

    3. Import eCommerce Data: Administration > eCommerce > Recommended Product/Wishlist/Abandoned Cart

    4. Create an email message: Create New > Message > Email Message

      • Go to the message Compose section and use a sample template for testing.

        Email code sample

                    Hello <%user.Email%><br>
                    <%ForEach var="test" items="${user.wishlistProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata']}" %>
                    WL description: <%${test['description']}%><br>
                    WL price: <%${test['price']}%><br><br>
                    <%ForEach var="test" items="${user.abandonedCartProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata']}" %>
                    AC description: <%${test['description']}%><br>
                    AC price: <%${test['price']}%><br><br>
                    <%ForEach var="test" items="${user.recommendedProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata']}" %>
                    RP description: <%${test['description']}%><br>
                    RP price: <%${test['price']}%><br><br>

    5. Test the personalization.

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