How to send Manual Tracking Requests (Page Updates)
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    How to send Manual Tracking Requests (Page Updates)

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    Article summary

    If you want to measure website content that is loaded via Ajax or similar, you can configure the tracking pixel so that it is sent manually by triggering an event. For example, you can place this functionality directly on an "onclick" event of an element. When the tracking pixel is sent, a page or action request is sent - depending on the set parameters. For the different applications there are the following values in Mapp Intelligence:

    • page: A page request is simulated.

    • link: Clicking a link causes a new page load.

    • click: If you want to measure actions on your page where the current page is not left.

      With the three variants mentioned above, only the passed parameters in the object are sent. This means that the parameters configured via Tag Integration and plugins are not checked and executed.

    • pageupdate:If the content on your page has changed and information configured in Tag Integration should also be sent.

      With every "pageupdate" all rules and plugins are checked and executed. The existing pixel configuration is extended with new parameters and rules.

    Use Cases

    We have identified four main use cases fr manual tracking requests

    The website is a single page application

    With single page applications, a new URL is not called when the page is changed. This means that the Mapp Intelligence tracking code cannot interpret this as a new page call. As a result, all page impressions would be credited to a single page.

    Measure a page at "onclick" events

    You want to measure a new page at "onclick" events, even though the website does not call a new page. For example, the successful sending of a form in a new page call (success page) is to be measured. However, the web page does not create a new page, but only a layer for the success message.

    Advanced form tracking

    If the user clicks on an action button, extended information is to be transmitted which cannot be displayed via the configurable action tracking. For example, a separate parameter should contain the type of action (for example, open gallery).

    App tracking

    Unlike websites, screens represent the content that users look at in an app. Screens are therefore the equivalent of pages. Since screens and pages often do not coincide, in practice it often leads to a smaller number of screens being measured and user actions being assigned to the wrong pages.

    Manual tracking allows you to mark screens as pages and measure them correctly.


    The function call for the tracking pixel is as follows:

    Sending a page request


    wts.push(['send', 'page', {
     contentId: 'page name'

    Placing a product in a shopping cart


    wts.push(['send', 'page', {
     contentId: 'page name',
     contentGroup: {
     1: 'level 1'
     product: 'product name',
     productStatus: 'add',
     customEcommerceParameter: {
     1: 'yellow',
     2: 'XL'

    Sending a page request without additional parameters


    wts.push(['send', 'pageupdate']);

    Sending an event (teaser click with position)


    wts.push(['send', 'link', {
     linkId: 'action name',
     customClickParameter: {
     1: 'teaser',
     2: 'top_position'

    Sending an event when clicking a tab


    wts.push(['send', 'click', {
     linkId: 'action name',
     customClickParameter: {
     1: 'click on tab'

    You can pass any pixel parameters to the function calls. The parameter names correspond to the script parameters. Please refer to the respective chapter in this documentation for the parameters.

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