How to set up categories
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    How to set up categories

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    Article summary

    Categories are set up in Mapp Q3. To do so, click on Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Categories.

    Various categories are available:


    Based on dimension

    Content Groups


    User Categories


    Campaign Categories

    Ad Media

    Media Categories


    Product Categories


    Time Categories

    Date with Hours

    Click on "New Category" in the desired tab.




    Shows the name of the category. Use a prefix (e.g. "CG" for content group) to group similar categories. Thus, for example, the categories are listed directly next to each other in the lists of dimensions and metrics.


    helps others to understand what this dimension is good for.


    In the case of deactivation, no data is collected, and the category will no longer be shown in the user interface. While this prevents analysis, the historical data will not be deleted.

    Category ID

    This ID is used in Tag Integration or the standard pixel to assign values to this parameter.


    When selecting "Text", this category is only available as a dimension, for "Figure" as a metric.


    If "Figure" is chosen as datatype, the figure type can be selected.

    • "Quantity": Shows how often a category was tracked.

    • "Sum": A metric is generated that adds up the tracked values.
      Example: A category is submitted twice, once with the value 5 and once with the value 3. "Quantity" amounts to 2, "Sum" amounts to 8.

    • "Quantity and Sum"

    Constant (only when "Datatype" is set to "Figure" and "Aggregation" is set to "Quantity and Sum")

    When "Constant" is chosen, the submitted value stays invariable independent of the number of accesses of the dimension.

    Example: Per import, a value of 100 is submitted in a product category for a jacket. The product is purchased ten times.
    If the category is defined as "Constant", the value is 100.
    If the category is not defined as "Constant" and the "Aggregation" is defined as "Sum", the value is 1.000.
    If the category is not defined as "Constant" and the "Aggregation" is set to "Quantity", the value is 10.

    With Time Reference (only when "Datatype" is set to "Figure")

    The time reference allows the import of multiple values per day.

    Hierarchy (only when "Datatype" is set to "Text")

    A tree of categories is built in Mapp Q3 (e.g., "Page Tree").

    Data Source

    Allows the export and import of this category.

    First Pixel Assignment

    If set to "No," values submitted via the pixel are not tracked. This is only useful if incorrect data is submitted.

    Please note that categories must be set up prior to the data submission. This is necessary because the category is only read when the categorized dimension is first accessed.

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