Import Coupons (window)
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    Import Coupons (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Content​ > ​Voucher Manager​ > Coupon.
      ⇒ The ​Coupon Lists​ window opens to the ​Coupon Manager​ tab.

    2. In the ​Actions​ column, click    > ​Import​.
      ⇒ The ​Import Coupons​ window opens.

    Import Coupons (window)​

    In the ​Import Coupons window, coupon codes from a coupon list can be imported, replaced, or deleted. Individual coupons are created in an external online shop or CRM application and uploaded to the coupon list as a TXT or CSV file.

    The maximum length for each coupon code is 200 characters.

    URL formats (for example, and personalisation placeholders cannot be used in coupon codes.

    • ​Coupon Type:​ The radio buttons in this area define how Engage validates the import data.

      • Coupon Codes:​ This options validates the import data for use in the form of a coupon code.

      • ​Barcodes:​ This option validates the import data for use in the form of a barcode.

    • Barcode Type:​ This drop-down list specifies the type of barcode the import data generates. Validation is based on the requirements and limitations of the selected barcode. This field only displays when the ​Barcode​ radio button is activated in the ​Coupon Type​ area.

    • Upload a File:​ This area selects the file to be imported. The ​Browse​ button searches for a file on the local drive.

    • ​File Type:​ The radio buttons in this area indicate the file type of the import. Empty lines or spaces are ignored and do not cause the import to fail.

      • TXT:​ Text file format.

      • CSV:​ Character-separated values file.

    • ​Separator Character:​ This input field defines the separator character used between fields in the CSV file. The default value is a comma. This field only displays when the CVS file type is selected.

    • ​Encoding:​ This drop-down list defines the character encoding of the imported file. Selecting the correct character encoding is essential for a successful import. Engage offers a large number of character sets to choose from.A character set must be defined for every import. The character set selected on the user interface must be the same as the character encoding of the import file. UTF-8 is the most common character encoding for Unicode characters. UTF-8 supports all characters, including those used in Asian languages (see ISO 8859-15 is sufficient if all records in the input file are exclusively in western European languages (see  : This button opens a list of available encoding options. The   symbol selects the encoding.

    • ​Import Mode:​ This drop-down list defines how the data is imported.

      • Add:​ This option adds the imported coupon codes to the coupon codes already available in the system.

      • ​Replace:​ This option deletes all the existing coupon codes in Engage and imports the codes contained in the file as new codes.

      • Delete:​ This option deletes all of the coupon codes in Engage that are included in the imported file. Existing Engage coupon codes that are not included in the imported file remain unchanged.

        It is not possible to start a replace or delete import to a coupon list while it is in use for a sendout.

        If a sendout begins while a coupon list is locked by a replace or delete import, the sendout is delayed until the import is finished.

        Coupons can be added to a list at any time.

    • Cancel:​ This button closes the ​Import Coupons​ window and opens the ​Coupon List Overview​ window without importing any coupons.

    • Import:​ This button starts the coupon code import and closes the ​Import Coupons​ window. The ​Coupon Lists Overview​ window opens. As soon as the coupons are imported, the number of coupons displayed in the ​Available Coupons​ column updates.A system message (SysMsgCouponImport) with information about the import is sent to the user who imported the coupons.

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