Insert a Barcode When Offer Is Available
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    Insert a Barcode When Offer Is Available

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    Article summary


    To generate a barcode with an Engage barcode servlet based on a discount sales offer stored in a recipient attribute.


    • The Barcode Servlets are a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the Barcode Servlets, contact your customer service representative.

    • The discount offers are stored in the recipient attributes.

    Background Information​

    A complex personalization can be applied to ensure that a barcode is only inserted when a discount offer is available for that recipient.

    The barcode servlet is used to create a barcode from the stored information.

    The barcodes must be tested before sendout with the barcode scanning devices available in the stores. Depending on the type of barcode used, some scanner devices may be more sensitive, and thus not be able to read the barcode. The readability of the barcode depends on the graphic format, the recipient's printer or print format, resolution, etc. It is therefore important to test whether the scanners used in the stores can always read the barcode.

    How To​

    1. In the Main Navigation​ clickRecipients​ > ​Selection​.
      ⇒ The ​Selection Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click thePersonalisation​ tab.

    3. Click the buttonNew Personalisation​.
      ⇒ The ​Personalisation Builder​ opens.

    4. In the input fieldName​, enter a name for the personalization.
      If the personalization will be used repeatedly in the future, you can add a description of the behavior of the personalization to the description field.

    5. Click the button +.
      ⇒ The Condition Builder​ window opens.

    6. From the first input field, select the attribute in which the offer is stored.
      ⇒ (The entry in the input field is automatically adapted to the necessary Engage code.)
      From the drop-down list, selectnot empty​.

    7. ClickAdd​.
      ⇒ TheCondition Builder​ window closes and the expression is inserted into the InsertIf block.

    8. In the navigation bar directly above the InsertIf block, click ​Structure​.
      ⇒ TheStructure View ​opens.

    9. Next to theInsertIf Block​, click  > Add Content​ .
      ⇒ A content block is inserted.

    10. Click  .
      ⇒ TheAdd Content​ window opens. In this field, enter the HTML code that will be inserted into the message. This can be any code. In addition to the barcode, some additional text can be added to present or describe the barcode.
      The barcode is inserted with an HTML tag that is constructed as follows:
      Quick Response Code (QR code) (See
      <img src="<systemdomain>/ec-qr/qrservlet?c=xx123xx&w=800&h=800&f=jpg" />

    11. The following parameters need to be adjusted to connect to your system:
      <systemdomain> Enter you system address.

    12. The following parameters must be changed to define the layout of the QR code:

      • c= This is the placeholder for the attribute from which the barcode is generated.

      • w= This is the width of the QR code image The width is entered in pixels and includes the white space around the code.

      • h= This is the height of the QR code image The width is entered in pixels and includes the white space around the code.

      • f= This is the format in which the barcode image is generated. You can select one of the following: jpg, png, gif or bmp

      For all other barcodes, the tag for the image is built as follows:
      <img src="<systemdomain>/barcode/?type=upc-a&msg=xxx123xxx&height=10&mw=0.4&wf=3&qz=disable&hrp=bottom&fmt=png&hrsize=8pt&hrfont=Arial&res=700&gray=true" />
      The following parameters need to be adjusted to connect to your system:
      <systemdomain> Enter your system address.
      The following parameters must be changed to define the layout of the barcode:

      • type= This is the barcode type. For a list of the barcode types, see Barcode types and formats.

      • height= This is the height of the barcode image in cm. The size displayed in the internet depends on the selected resolution.

      • mw= This is the module width, i.e. the size of the individual barcode components / modules. Generally, the width of the narrowest module is entered here.

      • qz= This is the size of the area of the image in which no barcode is displayed. For example: 10mw generates an area that is ten times the size of the module width. With disable, no white space is created.

      • fmt= This is the format. Supported formats are: svg, eps, jpg, tiff, png, gif.

      • res= This is the resolution of the barcode. The resolution is only necessary for bitmap formats (jpg, png, etc.)

      • gray= Here, select whether the image is depicted only in greyscale. The resolution is only necessary for bitmap formats (jpg, png, etc.)

      • hrp= Here, enter whether a manually readable code should be included as a part of the barcode. If the information and all resulting information for readability are deleted, then no human-readable code is created.None​ suppresses the readable code.Top​ positions of the code over the image.Bottom​ positions of the code beneath the image.

      • hrsize= This is the font size of the human-readable part of the barcode.

      • hrfont= This is the font of the readable code.

    13. Position your cursor at the location and searchxx123xx​ in the input fieldAttribute​ the attribute in which the offer is stored.
      Select the attribute for use by clicking on the symbol  . Delete the textxx123xx​ from the content.

    14. ClickSave.
      ⇒ The window closes and the content is displayed in the ​Content Block​.

    15. Next to the Insert If​ block, click  Add Default​.
      ⇒ A default block is entered.

    16. Click   next to the default block to define the content.
      ⇒ TheAdd Content​ window opens. Here, you can define the desired content (with HTML tags) that is displayed when no offer is available in the attribute.

    17. ClickSave​ .
      ⇒ The window closes and the content is saved in theContent Block​.

    18. ClickSave​.
      ⇒ A status window informs you that the personalization has been saved. There you can decide whether to further edit the personalization or close the window.
      The personalization now appears in the windowPersonalisation Overview​.
      The personalization can be inserted into the message during message creation (see Insert a personalization​).

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