Interrupt Sendout
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    Interrupt Sendout

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    Article summary


    To pause a sendout that has already started.

    Background Information​

    Usually, a message sendout takes only a few minutes to complete and cannot be stopped once it has begun.

    However, when the sendout speed is reduced to improve deliverability or the recipient group is large, you can pause or cancel the sendout.

    You can only interrupt sendouts that are still in progress on your Mapp Engage system. Sendouts that have already been individualized or delivered to the Mapp Engage mail transfer agent (MTA) can no longer be canceled. For more information, see ​Email Sendout Process​. Even after an immediate sendout cancellation, some messages can reach recipients.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Message > Outbox.

      ⇒ The ​Processed Messages Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click ​Pause​ in the actions menu of the message whose sendout you want to interrupt.
      ⇒The message status in the column ​Status​ changes from ​Processing​ to ​Paused​. The message sendout is paused. You can resume message sendouts that are paused.

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