Batch Contact Deletion
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    Batch Contact Deletion

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    Article summary


    Mapp recommends that you switch from using Automations to using Whiteboards for more robust functionalities and improved user experience.

    General information

    This job deletes contacts from the system and is an upgraded version of the job Delete Contacts, as it can seamlessly delete large numbers of contacts (1000+).

    The contacts to be deleted are selected from the system-wide databank with a mandatory segment.

    The contact email address, mobile number, and all data that are associated with them are permanently deleted. There is no possibility to restore data that has been deleted with this job. 

    Some system users cannot be deleted. These include users who have the Owner in the system (for example, owners of groups, automations, or landing pages). Owners are skipped during execution and the automation owner is informed of the error via email. The remaining addresses in the selection are deleted.


    This job is used for list hygiene and for legal compliance. For example, unsubscribers can be permanently deleted on a regularly scheduled basis. The Delete Contacts function ensures that data of contacts who do not want you to contact them are permanently deleted and not stored in the system.




    Basic Settings​

    • ​Name​: This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window. The maximum length is 100 characters.

    • Description:  This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.

    • Job: This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    ​​Define Segment​

    • Segment: This drop-down list defines a selection. A segment filters the contacts according to defined conditions. Use the  symbol to search all selections in the system. A segment is mandatory for this job. Only the contacts who match the segment criteria are deleted.


    This button saves your changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here you define the date and time of execution. For more information, see Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​.

    Related Topics

    System Whiteboards
    Batch Contact Deletion

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