Login as Group Owner
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    Login as Group Owner

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    Article summary


    To review the permission settings and available functions of the owner of a group. This enables a system administrator to make sure that users have the necessary permissions to perform activities in the system..


    The administrator or project manager who wants to log in has the permission ​221 user_login_anyone​. The user whose profile is checked is owner of the group..


    1. In the main navigation​, click ​Audience​ > Group Management > Groups​.

    2. Select ​Login as owner beside the group.
      ⇒ The login page of Mapp Engage is opened. Besides the input field for entering the password, the owner whose settings should be checked is shown.

    3. Login again with your own password.
      ⇒ The system is shown with the settings of the owner of the group. Only the visible and usable functions for the corresponding owner are shown.

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