Mapp Engage: A/B testing for Push in Mapp’s Whiteboard
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    Mapp Engage: A/B testing for Push in Mapp’s Whiteboard

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    Article summary

    10 Feb 2021 A/B testing in Mapp's Whiteboard is now also possible for push messages. Your can split your audience between different message versions and see which automation workflow drives more conversions. 

    Key Benefits

    • Use the new Whiteboard Job Split Push Sendout to test the performance of your push messages.

    • Gather data that lets you improve conversion rates.

    • Cover more complex marketing scenarios within the Whiteboard.


    This feature will be rolled out gradually from February 15th through 26th 2021, and will be available for all Engage accounts with the mobile functionality enabled. For more information, contact your Customer Success or Account Manager.

    How does it work?

    1. Create a time-based Whiteboard.

    2. Add the Job Split Push Sendout to your Whiteboard.

    3. Specify the details of your Split Sendout, Ready!

    Related Topics

    Best Practices: A/B testing in Mapp's Whiteboard
    Define Split Push Sendout Details in Mapp's Whiteboard

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