Mapp Engage: AI-based 'Topics of Interests' for Customer Segments
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    Mapp Engage: AI-based 'Topics of Interests' for Customer Segments

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    Article summary

    01 Feb 2022 Mapp uses advanced machine learning to better understand what your contacts are interested in. With the new criterion Topics of Interest, the Segmentation Builder will now help you reach audiences with very specific content based on their engagement with your messages.

    Key Benefits

    • Identify very specific interests of your contacts

    • Target them more precisely with differentiated communication 

    • Re-engage passive customers with content that they really care about

    • Less dependence on link categories which may not be granular enough for spot-on targeting

    • No setup needed, just get the feature activated and you are ready to go!

    How does it work?

    The search engine in Mapp Engage searches the  link title, alternative text, the surrounding context, and nested image alternative text to narrow down what your contacts really like. You can define the search accuracy, and limit search results. Simply add the new Topics of Interest criterion to the segment and define the search criteria. Save and publish - your segment is ready to use in sendouts.


    • Our keyword is fastfood.

    • During the broad search, pizza, a word related to fast food was identified.

    • All contacts who have clicked any of the five identified links, will be part of this segment.


    This feature is part of our winter update 2022 which went live on February 1st. It needs to be activated in your Mapp Engage account. Contact your Account or Customer Success Manager for more information.

    Related Topics

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    Use Case: Target Contacts with Unknown Interests with Relevant Content
    Create a Segment
    Intelligence Criteria

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