Mapp Engage: eCommerce - Related Data Connection for Message Personalization
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    Mapp Engage: eCommerce - Related Data Connection for Message Personalization

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    Article summary

    18 September 2024: We are introducing a powerful new feature that lets marketers use Related Data alongside eCommerce tables. This feature integrates real-time product interaction data with detailed product information, helping deliver highly relevant and personalized experiences across multiple touchpoints.

    Key Benefits

    • Robust and flexible data integration: Easily use Related Data tables for diverse marketing scenarios, enhancing data-driven campaigns.

    • Improved message personalization: Use eCommerce and Related Data tables to create more tailored customer messages for better engagement.

    • Enhanced Abandoned Cart and Wishlist support: Leverage custom attributes to boost the effectiveness of Abandoned Cart and Wishlist campaigns.

    Use Case: Extended Abandoned Cart email

    You want to run an Abandoned Cart campaign and remind customers to buy the product in their selected color and size. The color and size variants are not available in eCommerce but in the Related Data table.

    1. Make sure that you have the Abandoned Cart eCommerce data set up and updated regularly.

    2. Product attributes such as color and size are stored in a custom Related Data table.

    3. Create an Abandoned Cart reminder email personalized with product details from the Related Data table: color and size.

    How does it work?

    1. Set up Related Data: Create a related data table with a unique key and import product data into it. See Create Related Data Set.

    2. Add data to eCommerce tables: Import data into one of the predefined eCommerce tables (Wishlist, Abandoned Cart, Recommended Product). Alternatively, the data is already set up to be automatically recorded in the eCommerce tables (see how). Ensure that the productSKU in the eCommerce tables is the same as the unique key used in the related data table.

    3. Compose the message: Create a message adding personalization that contains data from both the related data table and the eCommerce table. For example:


      <%ForEach var="info" items="${user.wishlistProductsRD['productvariants']}" %>
        WL color: <%${info['Color']}%>
        WL size: <%${info['Size']}%> 
      • 'productvariants' is the name of the Related Data table

      • 'Color' and 'Size' are columns in the 'productvariants' Related Data table

      Abandoned Cart

      <%ForEach var="info" items="${user.abandonedCartProductsRD['productvariants']}" %>
        AC color: <%${info['Color']}%>
        AC size: <%${info['Size']}%>
      • 'productvariants' is the name of the Related Data table

      • 'Color' and 'Size' are columns in the 'productvariants' Related Data table

      Recommended Product

      <%ForEach var="info" items="${user.recommendedProductsRD['productvariants']}" %>
        RP color: <%${info['Color']}%>
        RP size: <%${info['Size']}%>
      • 'productvariants' is the name of the Related Data table

      • 'Color' and 'Size' are columns in the 'productvariants' Related Data table

      See Email Message Creation.

    4. Preview the personalized message before sendout. Email Message Preview.

    Note that eCommerce triggers cannot be set up using Related Data. To do that, you must use the Product Catalog.

    For more information, see the following online documentation pages:


    This feature is being rolled out as part of our September launch, which went live on September 18th.

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