Mapp Engage Flutter SDK & Configuration Files
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    Mapp Engage Flutter SDK & Configuration Files

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    Article summary

    After installing our Mapp Engage SDK you need to update the following:

    Add the following data to your AppConfig.plist file

    • jamie_url: This is the Jamie URL for caching and delivering In-App Messages.

    • sdk_key:  This is the SDK Key generated from the Mapp Engage Channel Management.  Each app configured in your Mapp Engage environment will have a  different SDK Key. For example, customers with Android development,  Android Production, iOS development, and iOS production apps will have  four different SDK Keys. One for each app. You can also view this in the  Mapp Engage system under Administration > Channels.

    • app_id:  This is the ID number of your app from the Mapp Engage Channel  Management. Each app configured in your Mapp Engage environment will  have a different App ID. For example, customers with Android  development, Android Production, iOS development, and iOS production  apps will have four different App ID Keys. One for each app. You can  also view this in the Mapp Engage system under Administration > Channels.

    • dmc_system_id(Tennent id):  This is the ID number of your Mapp Engage system. A Mapp Cloud account  manager or project manager will provide you with all the above  information.

    • googleProjectId: This is the ID number of your Google Project

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">

    Add the following to your Config class:

    class Config {
      static const String sdkKey = "183408d0cd3632.83592719";
      static const String appID = "206974";
      static const String googleProjectId = "785651527831";
      static const String tenantID = "5963";
      static const SERVER server = SERVER.L3;
    //than call init class
      void initState() {
      void initMappSdk() async {
        await MappSdk.engage(Config.sdkKey, Config.googleProjectId, Config.server,
            Config.appID, Config.tenantID);
        await initPlatformState();

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