Mapp Engage SDK Setup and App Manifest Configuration
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    Mapp Engage SDK Setup and App Manifest Configuration

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    Article summary

    To start using Mapp Engage for your app, you’ll need to install the Mapp Engage SDK and update your app’s manifest accordingly. Follow the steps below to configure your Android app.


    Step 1: Add Required Data to the Android Configuration File

    In your Android configuration file, include the following details:

    • CEP_URL: The Jamie URL used for caching and delivering in-app messages.

    • SDK Key: This unique key is generated in Mapp Engage Channel Management for each app. If you have multiple apps (e.g., Android development, Android production, iOS development, iOS production), each app will have its own SDK Key. Find this under Administration > Channels

    • APP_ID: The unique ID for each app, available in Mapp Engage Channel Management. Similar to the SDK Key, each app (Android/iOS) will have its own App ID.

    • TENANT_ID: The ID of your Mapp Engage system. This will be provided by your Mapp Cloud account manager or project manager.

    • Google Project ID: The ID of your Google Project, required for push notifications.

    class AndroidAdvancedTestApplication : Application() {
       override fun onCreate() {
           val opt = AppoxeeOptions()
           opt.sdkKey = SDK_KEY
           opt.googleProjectId = GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID
           //(optional for SDK 6.0.0 and above)
           opt.cepURL = CEP_URL
           opt.appID = APP_ID
           opt.tenantID = TENANT_ID
           //Only for version 5.0.10+
           opt.notificationMode = NotificationMode.BACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND
           //for SDK 6.0.0 and above
           opt.server = AppoxeeOptions.Server.EMC
           Appoxee.engage(this, opt)
           //This line is necessary for Android Oreo and above
           Appoxee.instance().receiver =
           //Necessary for applications with locked screen rotation.
           Appoxee.setOrientation(this, ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
           //Registered users are opt-outed by default.
           Appoxee.instance().isPushEnabled = true
    public class AndroidAdvancedTestApplication extends Application {
       public void onCreate() {
           AppoxeeOptions opt = new AppoxeeOptions();
           opt.sdkKey = SDK_KEY;
           opt.googleProjectId = GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID;
           //(optional for SDK 6.0.0 and above)
           opt.cepURL= CEP_URL;
           opt.appID = APP_ID;
           opt.tenantID = TENANT_ID;
           //Only for version 5.0.10+ (optional)
           opt.notificationMode = NotificationMode.BACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND;
           //for SDK 6.0.0 and above
           opt.server = AppoxeeOptions.Server.EMC;
           Appoxee.engage(this, opt);
           //This line is necessary for Android Oreo.
           //Necessary for applications with locked screen rotation.
           Appoxee.setOrientation(this, ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
           //Registered users are opt-outed by default.

    Step 2: Register MyPushBroadcastReceiver in Your App Manifest

    Update your app manifest to register the MyPushBroadcastReceiver class, ensuring your app can handle push notifications:

           <action android:name="com.appoxee.PUSH_OPENED" />
           <action android:name="com.appoxee.PUSH_RECEIVED" />
           <action android:name="com.appoxee.PUSH_DISMISSED" />

    This registration ensures that your app can properly handle opened, received, and dismissed push notifications.

    With these steps completed, your app will be properly configured to handle push and in-app notifications via the Mapp Engage SDK.

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