Mapp Intelligence: Create your own Time Periods
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    Mapp Intelligence: Create your own Time Periods

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    Article summary

    07 Jun 2023 With customizable time periods, you have even more flexibility when analyzing your data.

    Key Benefits

    • Create your own time periods, with fixed or dynamic ranges, to fit your needs. The settings are flexible, with multiple configuration options and the availability of offsets for start and end dates. Custom periods will appear in the Date Picker and can be used, for example, to analyze campaigns during specific dates or quarterly sales.

    • These periods will also be available for use with our Analytics API.

    • Now irrelevant periods can be easily disabled, which also hides them in the Date Picker.

    How does it work?

    1. On the left side of your Mapp Intelligence screen, there is a section at the bottom called Time Periods.

    2. On this page, you'll see all existing standard time periods. If they aren't relevant to you, you can set them to inactive. This means they will no longer show up in the Date Picker:

    3. You can also select Create time period in order to set a unique time period to use in your account.

    4. Once created, these time periods will be added to the Date Picker in your account. They'll be available for all users.

    Please see our online help for more information.


    This feature is part of our June Update 2023, which went live on June 7th, 2023. It's automatically available to admins and can be enabled upon request for other users.

    Related Topics

    Creating a Custom Time Period
    Time Periods Overview

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