Mapp Intelligence: Excel Export Format
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    Mapp Intelligence: Excel Export Format

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    Article summary

    11 Mar 2022 Now all Excel exports use xlsx formatting, including for preexisting reports.

    Key Benefits

    • All exports will now be in xlsx format instead of the now outdated xls for improved security.

      Besides the new file type, export names will remain the same. 

    • We are also making some stylistic updates within the Excel exports. 

      • In order to improved usability the font size will now be 14px, we've increased the footer's contrast, and we will now use the same font in exports as we do onsite.

      • We are removing the "." at the end of timestamps for Last raw data update and calculated.

      • There will now be a space inserted before and after "-" for all time ranges. e.g: 31.01.2022-27.02.2022 will now be: 31.01.2022 - 27.02.2022


    This feature was released on April 1st. 

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