Mapp Intelligence: Optimized Export File Names (pre-announcement)
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    Mapp Intelligence: Optimized Export File Names (pre-announcement)

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    Article summary

    04 Nov 2020 Mapp Intelligence will optimize the file names of your exports next week, as of 12 November 2020. Instead of an internal ID, they now show the export title and a timestamp that shows when the file was generated. This way, you can easily identify the report or analysis you are looking for.

    Key Benefits

    • Easily identify the report you are looking for by the export title.

    • Find the latest version immediately by the date included in the file name.

    • The date is the actual timestamp of the calculation. If you generate the file twice, but no data has changed, the file name will be identical. 

    • Illegal characters used in file names will be automatically replaced.


    The new file name has the following format:





    The title of your report or analysis.

    Characters which are not allowed in file names are replaced by "-".


    This is the timestamp of the calculation. It is in format YYYY-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS in UTC.

    .csv, .xls, .pdf

    Shows the format in which the file is generated.

    Illegal characters

    These characters are not allowed in file names. 

    # pound

    % percent

    & ampersand

    { left curly bracket

    } right curly bracket

    \ back slash

    < left angle bracket

    > right angle bracket

    * asterisk

    ? question mark

    / forward slash

    blank spaces

    $ dollar sign

    ! exclamation point

    ' single quotes

    " double quotes

    : colon

    @ at sign

    + plus sign

    ` backtick

    | pipe

    = equal sign


    Old file name:


    New file name:



    This is a default feature in Mapp Intelligence.

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