Mapp Intelligence: Smart Alert Library
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    Mapp Intelligence: Smart Alert Library

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    Article summary

    04 Aug 2020 Mapp's new Smart Alert Library was designed to save marketers & analysts time and keep them informed regarding important developments on their website or app. The library contains various handy alert configurations that you can simply use to create and activate a smart alert. Thereby, whenever something noteworthy occurs, you get an alert message. Select what you want to monitor from a list of predefined templates and all relevant info is filled in automatically.

    Key Benefits

    • Easy setup: Choose an alert from the Alert Library. Alerts are available for the most important metrics & dimensions.

    • Actionable insights: Every alert provides insights indicates possible reasons for the spike or drop in a metric. The explanation can help analyze the cause of an anomaly and provide recommendations on how to proceed.

    • Timesaving feature: Almost 30 predefined Smart Alerts templates await you. Use them to

      • reduce dull report checking.

      • gain more knowledge with the anomaly descriptions.

      • monitor your website, your app and your marketing activities to timely carry out necessary adjustments.


    The Smart Alert Library is currently available to all customers but it is restricted to admin users by default. However, admins can grant access to the Smart Alert feature and the Library as follows:

    1. Log in as admin and go to "User Management > Roles".

    2. Click Create new role or edit one you already have set up.

    3. Under Account configuration, check the box next to Smart Alerts.

    Users who have been assigned to this role are now able to create and edit Smart Alerts. Every account has one free alert. Use the alert to check out the Alert Library and start monitoring problems. If you want to give feedback or purchase more alerts, contact your Account Manager.

    How Does It Work?

    1. Log in to your Mapp Intelligence account and click the bell symbol on the top right of the user interface. Note: You must be an admin user or an admin must have given you access to Smart Alerts.

    2. Click the button Create new alert. Choose a template from the Alert Library, for example you can get notified "when the amount of traffic from different traffic source changes".

    3. Adjust the configuration, especially the sensitivity and the frequency under Alert Settings.

    4. Enter the name (optional) and add all people who are supposed to receive a notification e-mail when the alert triggers.

    5. Save your alert.

    The area Alert Information contains a detailed description of the selected predefined Smart Alert. Here you can name your alert, provide a description, and view possible reasons for anomalies. And, most importantly, add all colleagues who are supposed to receive a notification e-mail for a detected anomaly

    Related Topics

    Alerts Overview
    Alerts > Configure Alert
    Smart Alerts - All you need to know on automated notifications

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