Custom Parameters
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    Custom Parameters

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    Article summary

    With custom parameters you can enrich the video analysis data with your website specific information or metrics.

    Use Categories to save static information. Also, they can be imported.

    Custom parameters must be created in Mapp Q3 ( Configuration > Custom parameters ). During setup, the ID and the data type (text/number) for each parameter are defined.

    You can send E-Commerce-, Event-, and Session Parameter in a media tracking request.

    E-Commerce Parameter

    Since Mapp has to record website goals as e-commerce parameters, it is also possible to transfer e-commerce parameters detached from orders and products.


    We are using the E-Commerce parameter with id "3" and the value "goal"

    • Media tracking including e-commerce parameters on the website

      var media_parameter_string = "cb3=goal";
      var media_parameter_object = {
          cb3: "goal"
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "media_action", "1", "600", media_parameter_string, "64000", "100", "0");
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "media_action", "1", "600", media_parameter_object, "64000", "100", "0")
    • Example request for media tracking via Server-to-Server,st&mi=video_16889&mk=media_action&mt1=1&mt2=600&cb3=goal&bw=64000&vol=100&mut=0&x=1253786695416

    Event Parameter

    You can also use event parameters to measure additional information about the current video.


    We are using the Event parameters: id "6" has the value "green" and id "7" collects the current location.

    • Media tracking including action parameters on the website

      var media_parameter_string = "ck6=green;ck7=" + document.location.href;
      var media_parameter_object = {
          ck6: "green",
          ck7: document.location.href
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "media_action", "200", "600", media_parameter_string, "64000", "100", "0");
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "media_action", "200", "600", media_parameter_object, "64000", "100", "0")
    • Example request for media tracking via Server-to-Server,st&mi=video_16889&mk=media_action&mt1=200&mt2=600&ck6=green&

    Session Parameter

    Session parameters always refer to a session, i.e., a visit. If the value for the parameter is transferred more than once during a visit, only the first OR last value transferred is evaluated (depending on configuration).


    We are using the Session parameters: id "2" has the value "male" and id "5" has the value "logged_in".

    • Media tracking inclusing session parameters on the website

      var media_parameter_string = "cs2=male;cs5=logged_in";
      var media_parameter_object = {
          cs2: "male",
          cs5: "logged_in"
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "media_action", "200", "600", media_parameter_string, "64000", "100", "0");
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "media_action", "200", "600", media_parameter_object, "64000", "100", "0");
    • Example request for media tracking via Server-to-Server,st&mi=video_16889&mk=media_action&mt1=200&mt2=600&cs2=male&cs5=logged_in&bw=64000&vol=100&mut=0&x=1253786695416

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