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Message Category Overview (window)
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Navigation Path
Administration > Categories > Message
Message Category Overview
The Message Category window is used to view, create and edit message categories. For more information, see Message Categories.
Available Actions
Action | Description |
New Message Category | This button opens the Create New message category window. A name and a description for the new category are entered here. |
This button opens the Edit message category window, where the name and description of the category can be changed. |
Information Displayed (columns of the table)
Information | Description |
Name | This column displays the category name. The category creator sets the name, which can be changed in the Edit message category window. |
Owner | This column shows the creator of the category. It is not possible to change the owner of the category. |
Creation Date | This column shows the creation date of the category. |
General Page Options
Action | Description |
Show | This drop-down list is used to filter which entries are displayed. It is possible to display active or archived entries. |
Remove filter | This button removes any filter applied to the display. All available entries are again shown. |
Number of visible rows | This drop-down list adjusts the number of entries displayed per page (10, 20, 50, or 100 visible rows). |
Arrows | The list can be browsed via arrows at the bottom of the page. The arrows appear when all of the available entries cannot be displayed on one page. |
Select All | This checkbox selects all visible entries. |
Archive | This button archives any selected entries. Archived entries are not deleted but remain stored in the system. To view archived entries, select Archived from the Show drop-down list. Archived entries can be reactivated at any time. |
Delete | This button deletes any select entries after an additional confirmation question. The deleted entries are permanently removed from the system and cannot be retrieved. |