Message Report (Tracking or Sendout Based)
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    Message Report (Tracking or Sendout Based)

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    Article summary

    Message reports export detailed data about message sendouts and contact activity during the defined reporting period. Messages are included based on sendout group.

    This report includes the following data:

    • The number of sendouts per message type (HTML, text, mobile).

    • The total number of clicks, opens and conversions and well as the number of unique clickers, openers and converters.

    • The number of responses, unsubscribes and forwards.

    • Message data evaluated by different domains. This allows you to compare message success at various domains.

    See below for a complete list of the data items included in the export file.

    Sendout Based and Tracking Based​

    There are two types of message reports.

    • Sendout Based: The report includes messages sent in the selected reporting period. All relevant events for the message are included in the report, even if the activity (click, open, conversion) did not occur in the reporting period.

    • Tracking Based: The report includes all messages for which there are relevant events in the selected reporting period, even if the message was sent before the reporting period.

    Select Groups​

    In this area you select groups for the report. The report includes all messages in the selected groups.

    • Specific Groups: Exports data for specific selected groups. Click the ​Select Groups​ button to open a pop-up window where you can select the groups you want.

    • Group Category: Exports data for all groups in a group category. For more information, see ​Group Categories​.

    • Recently Created Groups: Exports data for the most recently created groups. Select 10, 20, 50, 100, or 500 groups.

      • Selected Groups: Displays the selected groups for the group report.

      • Select Groups: Selects groups to be included.

      • Remove: Removes the selected group.

      • Remove all: Removes all listed groups.

    Data in the Report File

    Message ID

    External Message ID

    Message Name / Subject


    Group Name

    Message Category


    Sendouts (HTML)

    Sendouts (Text)

    Sendouts (Mobile)

    Sendouts (FAX)

    Responses Openings (Total)

    Openings (Unique)

    Clicks (total)

    Clicks (unique)

    Aggregated over All Links


    Message Limit





    Conversion Tracking (unique)

    Ordered Items (No.)

    Value of Orders


    SuperMessage ID

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