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Moderate Message (window)
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Navigation Path
In the Main Navigation, click Message > Outbox.
⇒ The Processed Messages Overview window opens.From the Status drop-down list, select Moderated.
⇒ All messages to be moderated are displayed.Next to the message to be moderated, click > Approve or > Reject.
⇒ The Moderate Message window opens.The Approve and Reject options are only visible for moderators.
The Moderate Message Window
The Moderate Message window allows for the moderation of messages by a moderator. With message moderation, the author of the message may not send any messages. Each message must be moderated, i.e. approved prior to sendout. The moderator is informed of messages awaiting approval by a system message (SysMsgMessageModerate). He begins sendout or deletes the message (see Message Moderation).
Available Information
From Address: This area displays the email address of the group to which the message is sent. The from address to be displayed in the inbox of the recipient is defined in the group settings (see Reply Handling (tab)).
Subject: This area displays the subject of the moderated message.
Attachments: This area displays files that have been added to the message as an attachment.
Content: This area displays the message channel (email, SMS) for which content was created:
email-html: An HTML version of the email was created.
email-text: A text version of the email was created.
sms: The message is sent as an SMS.
Available Actions
Moderate Message: This area defines whether the message is sent or deleted.
Approve: This option marks the message for approval. The sendout for an approved message begins after the Submit button is clicked.
Reject: This option marks the message for deletion and opens the Comment input field. The message is deleted when the Submit button is clicked. If the message was created outside of the CMS, no additional versions of the message exist in the system.
Comment: This input field saves comments for the author of the rejected message. Engage sends a copy of the system message SysMsgMessageRejected to the message author, which informs him of the failed approval. The comments inserted by the moderated are included in the system message.
Submit: This button starts the processing for the moderated message.
For rejected messages, the message is not sent to the group. The message author receives the system message SysMsgMessageRejected, which informs him of the rejected message. The rejected message is added as an attachment to the email. The message is no longer available in the system and cannot be edited or resent.
For approved messages, the message processing begins. In a normal sendout, the sendout to the group begins. For scheduled messages, the sendout to all groups begins at the specified time (see Message Sendout in Mapp Engage).
If a message is moderated after the scheduled sendout time, it is sent directly following moderation.