Moderated Split Sendout
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    Moderated Split Sendout

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    Article summary

    ​Moderated Split Sendout​ is a feature of Mapp Engage which enables message moderation for split sendouts.

    In contrast to a traditional A/B test, a split test in Mapp Engage tests up to 10 different email versions.

    For more information about split sendouts in general, please see Split Sendouts​.


    The feature Moderate Split Sendouts is an extra Mapp Engage feature that must be activated for your system. If you would like to add this feature to your system, please contact your customer representative.

    How it works​

    The message author does not have permission to send messages in a group.

    Before a split sendout can be sent, the message must be moderated and approved. Depending on the group settings, the moderator can be the owner or manager of the group.

    The message moderation process is as follows:

    1. The author creates the message variation and the settings for the split sendout. When the author begins sendout, a message informs the author that the split sendout will be first sent to the moderator.

    2. The manager or owner for that group receives a summary of the split sendout via email or SMS.

      • SMS can only be used to provide general information about the necessary approval. When using SMS for moderation, it is always necessary to log into the Mapp Engage system to review the sendout. Because of a lack of space, the SMS only contains information that the split sendout requires moderation.

      • An email summary contains the following settings:

        • Group name

        • From address

        • Scheduled sendout date

        • Split sendout percentage or number

        • Criteria for determining best performing version (the highest opening rate, click rate, forwarding rate, number of orders, or profile change rate, or the lowest unsubscribe rate)

      • The summary also contains a quick link to the split message details, where a preview of the two message versions is available.

    3. The manager or owner moderates the message:

      • If the moderator confirms the split sendout, the split message will be sent.

      • If the split sendout is not confirmed, the moderating manager enters a comment (e.g. reason the message was not approved), which is sent to all draft editors.

    4. The message author or editors receives an email or SMS informing him/her that the message was acMapp Engageted or not acMapp Engageted. Any necessary changes can be adopted.

    5. Depending on the split sendout settings, the best-performing version may be sent to the remaining recipients automatically, or the final sendout can be manually started in Mapp Engage. For more information, please see Split Sendouts​.

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