Modify a Forwarded Message
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    Modify a Forwarded Message

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    Article summary


    To modify a message that is forwarded with the forwarding function.

    Background Information

    The ability to forward a message can be integrated directly into the message with a link. This link takes the recipient to a page in Mapp Engage where they can enter the addresses to forward the message. Each recipient can forward the message a maximum of ten times (whether to 10 different recipients or ten times to the same recipient) with 24 hours.

    This method differs from a forward with the email client function, which can be used for any message. A message that is forwarded with Mapp Engage can be customized automatically and the forward appears in the Mapp Engage statistics.

    Examples of modifications are:

    • Removal of customer-specific information, such as a customer number or last purchase.

    • Removal of coupons and special offers.

    • Insert specific offers for new customers.


    1. Open the ​Compose Message​ window.

    2. Add the Mapp Engage Variable to forward the message (see ​Insert a Link to Forward an Email Message​).

    3. Mark the areas of the email which are to be added or removed:

      • Mark the parts to be inserted when forwarded with the following personalisation rule:
        <%InsertIf expression="${sendouttype == 'FORWARD'}"%>Content inserted when forwarded<%/InsertIf%>.

      • Mark the parts to be removed when forwarded with the following personalisation rule:
        <%InsertIf expression="${sendouttype != 'FORWARD'}"%>Content removed when forwarded<%/InsertIf%>.

    4.  Send the message as usual (see ​Message Sendout in Mapp Engage​).

      1. The message is first sent to the group. This contains:

        1. All message parts that are not marked.

        2. All message parts that contain the <%InsertIf expression="${sendouttype != 'FORWARD'}"%>Content removed when forwarded<%/InsertIf%> marker.

      2. The message that is sent as a forwarded message contains:

        1. All message parts that are not marked.

        2. All message parts that contain the <%InsertIf expression="${sendouttype == 'FORWARD'}"%>Content inserted when forwarded<%/InsertIf%> marker.

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