Move Paragraphs of a CMS Message
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    Move Paragraphs of a CMS Message

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    Article summary

    The paragraphs are transferred into the CMS in a predetermined order automatically. During the final inspection of the newsletter, it may be necessary that the order of the depicted editorial contributions is changed to match the content of the advertising blocks. In this case, it is necessary to move the paragraph in the manner shown here.


    You are in the ​Create/Edit CMS Messages​ window.


    1. Select in the ​Message Paragraphs​ area in the ​Action​ column the menu item ​move​.
      ⇒ The ​Move Paragraph​ window is displayed.

    2. Select the position where the paragraph is to be inserted in the selection box ​Select New Position​.

    3. Click the ​Save​ button.
      ⇒ The ​Edit CMS Message​ window is opened again and the paragraph is moved to the corresponding position.

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