New Link Category (window)
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    New Link Category (window)

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    Administration​ ​Categories​ > Link > New Link Category​

    New Link Category 

    It is possible to create a new link category in this window. Link categories can be manually or automatically assigned. Manual assignment is done during message creation and does not require programming skills (see Manual Assignment of Link Categories​). Automatic assignment with keywords is possible even for inexperienced users. A word that occurs in the link needs to be specified. Regular expressions (Regex) are available for automatic link assignments that require complex conditions (see ​Automatic Assignment of Link Categories​).




    This input field defines the name of the link category. The link category name is only used for internal identification purposes in the Engage system. The name can be edited at any time. After it is edited, the link category is displayed with the new name. The name is also updated in other areas, such as the existing statistics or automatic activities.


    This input field allows adding additional information about the link category. The link category description is only used for internal identification purposes in the Engage system. When many link categories are used on a system, information entered in the description input field facilitates the identification of the link categories.

    Manually assign link category​

    The link category is assigned manually during message creation. Once the individual link categories are created in the New Link Category window, they can be selected for use in messages (see Manually Assign Link Categories (before sendout)​).

    Automatically assign link category with keyword​

    This option opens an input field to define a keyword. Whenever a message is created with a link that contains the keyword, it is automatically assigned to the link category.

    • Keywords: This input field defines the term that must be present in the link address to assign the link category. Only the link address/URL is searched. The link text that is displayed in the message is not searched. Automatic assignment of link categories can be changed manually for individual messages. When a manual change is made, the manual assignment overrides the automatic assignment (see ​Automatic Assignment of Link Categories​).

    Automatically assign link category with Regex​

    This option opens an input field to define a regular expression (Regex). Whenever a message is created that contains the phrase that Regex defines, it is automatically assigned to the link category. The definition of a regular expression requires programming knowledge.

    • Regular expression: This input field defines the regular expression. Whenever a message is created, Engage searches the URLs (not the link text) of all links in the message based on the Regex. Automatic assignment of link categories can be changed manually for individual messages. When a manual change is made, the manual assignment overrides the automatic assignment. The maximum length for the regular expression is 200 characters (see ​Automatic Assignment of Link Categories​).


    This button ends the link category creation process without saving your changes.


    This button saves the new link category. By default, newly created link categories are automatically assigned the lowest priority. It is possible to assign a higher or lower priority to an existing link category in the  Link Category Overview tab (see ​Link Category Overview (tab)​).

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