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    Article summary

    Email messages are created and sent in HTML format. Different frameworks and blocks allow you to set up email templates and email messages with different layouts and styles.

    The Content Management (Email) feature uses Velocity Template Language (VTL) to build the HTML code of your individual frameworks and blocks. We have added some customised information to VTL that provides more flexibility for both emails developers and email marketing managers.

    When you edit an email template or email message, Mapp Engage resolves the underlying HTML and notation code of the blocks and frameworks for display.

    This document explains which elements you can use to set up your frameworks and blocks. Elements and parameters that are not listed here are not yet supported for Mapp Engage blocks and frameworks.

    Required parameters are marked with an asterisk.


    Our notation gives you many ways to set up blocks and frameworks.

    • Define where a block can be added to an email template or email message.

    • Control which text can be edited in a block.

    • Define which text formatting options are available (rich text, plain text, or styled text).

    • Define which images and links can be edited in a block.

    • Decide which editors, toolbars, and style sets are available for an email message

    • Provide message creators a selection of global and block level variables.

    • Provide message creators different layout options within blocks.

    Related Topics​

    Notation Syntax​

    Unless otherwise noted, the language elements in our notation use the same syntax as VTL. For more information, see


    You can use the following elements to add placeholders to your HTML code:



    Notation for Block Areas​

    Indicates where one or more blocks can be added to an email template.

    Notation for Element Values​

    • Defines areas where text can be added or edited.

    • Defines areas where an image can be added or edited.

    • Defines areas where variables for inline input fields can be set.

    • Defines areas where variables for input fields on separate forms can be set.

    Notation for Editor Styles​

    Determines which styles can be used to format text in the styled text editor and the rich text editor.


    With VTL, you use a library of script elements to manage content in HTML code. Velocity lets you create placeholders that are replaced with actual content such as texts or images. Since VTL placeholders are treated as independent references, you can combine different content elements without changing the framework of your email template.

    In Velocity, references begin with $ and are used to get something. Directives begin with # and are used to do something.




    Velocity uses the #set directive to assign values to variables. For more information, see




    Velocity uses #if/#elseif/#else directives to insert conditions for inserting variable content. For more information, see

    Mapp Engage personalisation placeholders, personalisation rules, and Mapp Engage Variables are also supported.


    Velocity uses the #forEach directive to iterate over a list of objects. You can iterate over any object that contains more than one target value. For more information, see

    Notation Parameters​

    Some notation passes parameters. Our parameters are structured to resemble JSON format. Parameter identifiers are quoted and separated from the values they define by a colon. Multiple parameters are separated from each other by commas.


    This structure passes the value "123" as an ID parameter and "MyName" as a name parameter.

    '"id" : "123","name":"MyName"'

    Notation for Block Areas​


    This element indicates the beginning of an area where one or more blocks can be inserted in the template.

    To enclose the area in which blocks can be placed, pair the begin element with a tplBlockArea.end() element.

    When you insert a block, the editor tool of the template tracks where the inserted block begins and ends. This information makes it possible to remove or replace blocks later.

    Do not place any additional HTML code between the begin tag and the end tag of the block area.





    An optional identifier for the block area.


    The name of the block area. The block-name parameter is required and must be unique within the HTML code.

    Notation for Editor Styles​

    tplEditor.styles('[array of CSS selectors]')

    This element defines which styles appear in the ​Paragraph​ drop-down list of the styled-text editor and rich-text editor. To specify which styles are available, create a JSON array.

    Define all styles that are referenced in the array in the header of the framework. The referenced styles must match the CSS selectors exactly.

    Currently, tags and classes are supported. Begin your classes with a "." (dot). CSS id selectors are not supported.

    Three Styles Example

    This code defines three styles.

                 h1 {
                        font-size: 24px;
                .myStyle {
                .anotherStyle a {
    $tplEditor.styles('["h1", ".myStyle", ".anotherStyle a"]') 

    This code renders as shown:

                 h1 {
                        font-size: 24px;
                .myStyle {
                        background-color:#CCCCCC; color:#0000CC;
                .anotherStyle a {

    The code adds three styles to the ​Style​  drop-down menu:

    • h1

    • myStyle

    • anotherStyle

    Custom Labels Example

    This code defines custom labels.

                    h1 {
                            font-size: 24px;
                        .myStyle {
                                background-color:#CCCCCC; color: #0000CC;
                        .anotherStyle a {
    $tplEditor.styles('[{"label":"Header 1","selector":"h1"}, {"label":"My Style","selector":".myStyle"}, 
    {"label":"Link Anthor Style","selector":".anotherStyle a"}]')

    This code renders as shown:

                    h1 {
                            font-size: 24px;
                    .myStyle {
                                background-color:#CCCCCC; color:#0000CC;
                    .anotherStyle a {

    The code adds a custom label to the three styles that you add to the  ​Styles​  drop-down menu:

    • Header 1

    • My Style

    • Link Another Style

    Notation for Mobile Editing Mode and Tablet Editing Mode​


    This element indicates the start of an area that wraps a media query declaration with a CSS style. The notation adjusts what you see in our visual template and message editors to simulate the selected device type. Currently, you can select ​Desktop​, ​Tablet​, or ​Mobile​ in the ​Type​ field.

    To enclose the area, pair the media view element with a $tplMedia.end() element.

    When you create a message for different devices, you can review and edit the rendered message at a specific width. It is possible that some responsive blocks are not visible for all screen widths. This notation allows you to see and edit placeholders that are otherwise hidden in a desktop view.

    You access preview options from the ​Compose Email Message​ and ​Compose Email Template​ windows.

    The tplMedia.view notation only affects the visual editors for your templates and messages, it is not included in the sent message.





    Defines the device icon that Mapp Engage displays in the visual editor that activates the simulation. Currently, you can select ​Desktop​, ​Tablet​, or ​Mobile​.


    Defines the width in pixels that Mapp Engage imposes on the media queries of the message or template. The visual editor adjusts to display content at the specified screen width.


    This code is the basic notation of the edit mode that simulates a mobile device.



    This code shows the tplMedia.view element in a style tag. When this notation is added to a template or message, a mobile device symbol displays at the top of the editor. To apply the defined CSS and alter the width of the content area, you click the symbol.

    <style type="text/css">
        #outlook a {
            padding: 0;
        .ExternalClass {
            width: 100% !important;
            line-height: 100%;
            background-color: #353535;
        .ExternalClass img[class^=Emoji] {
            width: 10px !important;
            height: 10px !important;
            display: inline !important;
        img {
            outline: none;
            text-decoration: none;
            -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
        p {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            margin-bottom: 0;
            -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
            -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
        table td {
            border-collapse: collapse;
        .tablefixed {
            table-layout: fixed;
        $tplMedia.view('"type":"mobile", "width":"630"')
           @media screen and (max-width:639px) {
               *[class].mw0px {
                  min-width: 0px !important;
               *[class].w100pc {
                   width: 100% !important;
                   max-width: none !important;

    Notation for Element Values​


    Element values indicate where editable values can be inserted in the HTML code. For example, a field to enter text or an image. The person who creates the message enters content for these values through input fields in the ​Email Message Composition​ window.

    Parameters are specified as a string with a structure that is similar to JSON format.

    The tplPlaceholder.literal(parameters) placeholder is deprecated. For compatibility reasons, Mapp Engage converts this placeholder automatically to a tplPlaceholder.element(parameters) placeholder when the email template is opened.

    Tab. : Parameters for Element Values




    Defines an optional identifier for the element.


    Defines the name of the element.


    Defines a boolean value that indicates whether the editor for the field appears inline or on a separate form. The default value is true. If global values are set in the framework, the inline value is false. If you do not specify an inline parameter, the behaviour of the system is the same as when you set the parameter value to false.


    When the inline parameter is false, you can use this value to group similar form fields in the UI. If left blank, Mapp Engage assigns parameters to the "General" group.


    Defines the type of field. This value determines which toolbars the message creator can use to format the content. Each type parameter has associated attributes.

    Type Parameters for Element Values in the Visual Editor

    Type parameters define the type of field. When you allow the message creator to format content, Mapp Engage provides different toolbars with predefined editing actions and formatting options. Each field type can have additional, case-sensitive attributes that define which controls Mapp Engage displays in the editor.




    Inserts a text field that can be modified with a plain text editor.

    • value* - Defines the initial text value Mapp Engage inserts. This value can be changed in the visual editor later.

    • editorstyle - Applies a style to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. For example, the height and width of the placeholder. This style does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • editorclass - Applies a class to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. This class does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • href - Encloses the placeholder content in an href tag with the provided url.

      • linkstyles - Applies inline CSS styles to the content in the href tag.

      • linkclass - Applies one or more classes to the content in the href tag.

      • target - Specifies where to open the linked document. The default value is _blank.


    Inserts a styled-text field that can be modified with a text editor. The formatting options and styles are predefined with the tplEditor.styles element.

    • value* - Defines the text value Mapp Engage inserts in html format.

    • editorstyle - Applies a style to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. For example, the height and width of the placeholder. This style does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • editorclass - Applies a class to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. This class does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • href - Encloses the placeholder content in an href tag with the provided url.

      • linkstyles - Applies inline CSS styles to the content in the href tag.

      • linkclass - Applies one or more classes to the content in the href tag.

      • target - Specifies where to open the linked document. The default value is _blank.


    Inserts a text field that can be modified with a rich text editor.

    • value* - Defines the text value Mapp Engage inserts in html format.

    • editorstyle - Applies a style to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. For example, the height and width of the placeholder. This style does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • editorclass - Applies a class to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. This class does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • href - Encloses the placeholder content in an href tag with the provided url.

      • linkstyles - Applies inline CSS styles to the content in the href tag.

      • linkclass - Applies one or more classes to the content in the href tag.

      • target - Specifies where to open the linked document. The default value is _blank.


    Inserts an image tag that can be modified with an image editor.

    • src* - Specifies the location of the image source. If empty, a default reference image is added.

    • width - Defines the width of the image in pixels.

    • height - Defines the height of the image in pixels.

    • style - Applies one or more CSS styles to the image tag that Mapp Engage generates.

    • class - Applies one or more classes to the image tag that Mapp Engage generates.

    • href - Encloses the placeholder content with an href tag

      • linkstyles - Applies inline CSS styles to the content in the href tag.

      • linkclass - Applies one or more classes to the content in the href tag.

      • target - Specifies where to open the linked document. The default value is _blank.

    • editorstyle - Applies a style to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. For example, the height and width of the placeholder. This style does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • editorclass - Applies a class to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. This class does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.


    Allows full access to the html source code at this location.

    • value* - Defines the value that Mapp Engage inserts at this location in the code in HTML format.

    • style - Applies a style to the placeholder.

    • class - Applies a class to the placeholder.

    • href - Encloses the placeholder content with an href tag

      • linkstyles - Applies inline CSS styles to the content in the href tag.

      • linkclass - Applies one or more classes to the content in the href tag.

      • target - Specifies where to open the linked document. The default value is _blank.

    Type Parameters for Element Values (Right Panel)

    These parameters apply to global or block level elements that appear in the panel on the right side of the visual editor.




    Inserts a text field that can be modified with a plain text editor.

    • value* - Defines the initial text value Mapp Engage inserts. This value can be changed in the visual editor later.

    • editorstyle - Applies a style to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. For example, the height and width of the placeholder. This style does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • editorclass - Applies a class to the placeholder that Mapp Engage generates. Use this attribute to alter how the placeholder renders in the Mapp Engage visual editor. This class does not affect the appearance of content in the sent message.

    • href - Encloses the placeholder content in an href tag with the provided url.

      • linkstyles - Applies inline CSS styles to the content in the href tag.

      • linkclass - Applies one or more classes to the content in the href tag.

      • target - Specifies where to open the linked document. The default value is _blank.


    Defines a set of elements from which a value can be selected. Do not use this element with the inline parameter set to true.

    • options* - Defines a list of elements in a JSON array of name and value pairs. For example, "options":[{"name":"Yes","value":"true"},{"name":"No","value":"false"}]. Names are shown and values are selected.

    • value - Defines the default value that Mapp Engage inserts. When specified, this value must correspond to a value in the options array.


    Defines text that is validated as a proper URL. Do not use this element with the inline parameter set to true.

    • value* - Defines the text value that Mapp Engage inserts as the URL.


    Defines a switch to turn variables on or off. Do not use this element with the inline parameter set to true.

    • value - Defines the values that Mapp Engage inserts. By default, Mapp Engage uses the boolean values true or false. If defined, Mapp Engage can accept a trueValue or falseValue.

    • trueValue - Defines a value that overrides the default true value.

    • falseValue - Defines a value that overrides the default false value.


    Plain Text Example

    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"saleItem", "type":"text", "value":"Sale Item Name"')}
    Rich Text:
    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"saleItem", "type":"richText", "value":"Sale Item Name"')}

    The plain-text example renders as shown:

    Sale Item Name
    Rich Text:
    Dog food

    Image Examples


    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"company-logo", "type":"image", 

    The simple-image example renders as shown:

    <img src="">

    Advanced: + Dimensions & Class

    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"type":"image", "name":"Image_links", "src":"", "width":"220", 
    "height":"434", "style":"width: 220px; height:434px", "class":"Someclass"')}

    The advanced-image example renders as shown:

    <img src="" width="220" height="434"  

    Link Examples

    Plain Text Link:

    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"saleItem", "type":"text", "value":"Sale Item Name", "href": "", 
    "target":"_self","linkstyles":"font-size: 24px; color: #5C5D5F; text-decoration: none;","linkclass": "linkClass"')}

    The plain-text link example renders as shown:

    <a href="" target="_self"  
    class="linkClass">Sale Item Name</a>

    Rich Text Link:

    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"saleItem", "type":"richText", "value":"Sale Item Name", 
    "href": "", "linkstyles":"font-size: 24px; color: #5C5D5F; text-decoration: none;","linkclass": "linkClass"')}

    The rich-text example code renders as shown:

    <a href="" target="_blank"  
    class="linkClass">Sale Item Name</a>

    Image Link:

    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"type":"image", "name":"Image_links", "src":"", "width":"220", 
    "height":"434", "style":"width: 220px; height:434px", "class":"Someclass", "href": ""')}

    The image-link example renders as shown:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="220" height="434" 

    List Example

    This code creates a drop-down menu field in the right panel:

    /* defined in block or framework */
    #set ($bgColor = ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"Background Color", "type":"list", "value":"blue", 
    "options": [{"name":"Blue", "value": "blue"},{"name":"Red", "value": "red"}],"inline":"false", "group":"Colors"')})
    <table >...</table>

    This list example renders as shown:

    <table >...</table>

    Toggle Example

    This code creates a toggle form field in the right panel:

    /* defined in block or framework */
    #set ($hideShowImg = ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"Hide/Show Image", "type":"toggle", "value":"block", 
    "trueValue":"block", "falseValue":"none", "inline":"false", "group":"Block Variables"')})
    <table >...</table>

    The toggle example renders as shown:

    <table >...</table>

    URL Example

    This code creates a form field in the right panel that verifies whether the entered URL is valid.

    /* defined in block or framework */
    #set ($linkURL= ${tplPlaceholder.element('"name":"linkUrl", "type":"url", "value":"[]", "inline":"false", "group":"links"')})
    <a href = "${linkUrl}">...</a>

    The URL example renders as shown:

    <a href="[Valid URL]">...</a>


    You can declare variables in a block or framework to add customization options for templates and messages that cannot be accomplished with inline editing. For example, set an alternative background color for blocks in a template.

    When you declare a variable in a framework, you can refer to that variable elsewhere in the framework. For example, in CSS style values or body tag attributes. The template or message creator can modify these values later. All references of the variable in blocks that are added to the template that use the framework inherit the same value.

    For example, the framework of your template contains a $tableWidth variable that is set to 600. If you add a block that contains a $tableWidth variable, the references to that variable in the block resolve as 600. This inheritance allows the block to adapt to the framework in which it is placed.

    If you declare a variable in a block, only references to that variable within the single instance of the block inherit the defined value.

    Block level variables take precedence over framework variables. For example, a template uses a framework with a variable named $tableWidth that is set to 600. If you add a block with a $tableWidth variable that is set to 500, references to $tableWidth in the block resolve as 500.

    Variable Declaration​

    #set ($variableName = variableValue)

    Usually, you declare the variableValue as a placeholder with inline set to false. Setting a variable to a placeholder allows the template or message creator to edit the value of the variable on the UI. The variableValue can also be set to a static text value. A static value allows references across different blocks to inherit the value that the parent framework defines. A static value prevents edits by the template or message creator. In either case, the text value that is assigned to variable replaces the variable references in the template or message code.

    Variable Reference​


    The #set directive is used to assign the value of a reference. For more information, see

    Variable Reference Format Example

    *  Variable Reference - your reference must refer to an existing variable that is defined in the associated framework or block
    *  Operator - use an operator to compare your variable to the comparision value(supported operators are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=. 
                Velocity does not support NOTE: === and !==.
    *  Comparision Value - the value to which the variable reference is compared. The comparison value must be enclosed with double quotation marks.
    #if ([Variable Reference] [Operator] "[Comparision Value]")

    In a variable declaration, the dollar sign is directly next to the variable name. In a variable reference, the dollar sign is separated from the variable name by a curly bracket.

    Variable Usage Example

    In this example, the template or message creator is able to change $tableClass and $tableWidth. The template or message creator cannot change $tableHeight.

    #set ($tableClass = ${tplPlaceholder.element('"id": "0", "name":"tableClass", "type":"text", "value":"myClass", "inline":"false", "group":"Classes"')})
    #set ($tableWidth = ${tplPlaceholder.element('"id": "tw1", "name":"table width", 'type':"text", "value":"500", "inline":"false", "group":"Widths"')})
    #set ($tableHeight = 300)
    <table class="${tableClass}" >...</table>

    This code resolves as shown:

    <table class="myClass" >...</table>

    Notation for Conditional Inclusion of Content​

    You can use conditionals to display different information that reflects the variable that is set. Conditionals provide flexibility. However, the use of conditional has some limitations:

    • Conditionals only support one top-level element.

      • One table

      • One div

      • One insert tag

    • You cannot place a conditional in a tplPlaceholder

    • You cannot place variables in atplPlaceholder for attributes that a system user can edit. For example:

      • href

      • value

      • image src

    • One tplPlaceholder cannot be placed inside another tplplaceholder.

    • Variables that conditionals evaluate cannot dictate the options or display of other variables in the right-hand panel of the visual editor.

    • Personalization variables are not supported for comparisons. Use the personalization InsertIf logic to build the comparison.

    • If you nest many conditionals, the effect on your blocks is difficult to predict.

    Velocity #if/elseif/else directives allow you to add content when predefined conditions are met. You can combine these VTL directives with Mapp Engage personalization attributes and expressions (InsertIf).

    An #elseif or #else element can be used with an #if element. The #if directive controls whether content renders when the web page is generated. For more information, see:


    When the evaluation is true, the content between the #if statement and the ​#end​ statement renders.

    #if( $foo < 10 )Calendar
        **Go North**
    #elseif( $foo == 10 )
        **Go East**
    #elseif( $bar == 6 )
        **Go South**
        **Go West**

    The output of this code renders as shown:

    Go South

    Example of $defaultBGColor Defined in a Framework as #FFFFFF

    #set ($defaultTableWidth = ${tplPlaceholder.element('"id": "def-tableWidth", "name":"Default Table Width", "type":"text", "value":"660", "inline":"false", "group":"System Defaults"')})
    #set ($layoutChoice = ${tplPlaceholder.element('"id": "def-bgColor", "name":"Layout Choice", "type":"list", "value":"image", "options": [{"name":"Image", "value": "image"},{"name":"Text", "value": "text"}],"inline":"false", "group":"Layout"')})
    #set ($blockUrl= ${tplPlaceholder.element('"id": "blockUrl", "name":"Block URL", "type":"URL", "value":"", "inline":"false", "group":"Block Level"')})
    #if (${layoutChoice} == "image")
    <table bgcolor="${defaultBGColor}" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="${defaultTableWidth}" class="w100pc" align="center""cosima_default_id_0101010101010101" y.linktarget="true" y.validity.allowed="true" y.validity.mode="positive">
            <td height="30" > </td>
                    ${tplPlaceholder.element('"type":"image", "id":"1", "name":"Image", "src":"","width":"660", "height":"150", "style":"width: 660px; height:150px", "class":"w100pc", "editorstyle": "width: 660px; height:150px", "editorclass ": "w100pc", "href": ""')}
          #if (${defaultBGColor} == "#FFFFFF")
             <tr><td>I am white Background Color on image block</td></tr>
            <td class="padLR9">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center""cosima_default_id_0101010101010101" y.linktarget="true" y.validity.allowed="true" y.validity.mode="positive">
                        <td class="NoMob" height="30" width="12" > </td>
                        <td height="30" > </td>
                        <td class="NoMob" height="30" width="12" > </td>
    #if (${layoutChoice} == "text")
    <table bgcolor="${defaultBGColor}" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="${defaultTableWidth}" class="w100pc" align="center""cosima_default_id_0101010101010101" y.linktarget="true" y.validity.allowed="true" y.validity.mode="positive">
            <td height="30" > </td>
                ${tplPlaceholder.element('"type" : "richtext", "id" : "rt3", "name" : "rt_3", "editorstyle" : "height: 100px", "value" : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, verear molestie ne nam. Ei vix vidit volutpat quaerendum"')}
          #if (${defaultBGColor} == "#FFFFFF")
             <tr><td>I am white Background Color on text block</td></tr>
            <td class="padLR9">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center""cosima_default_id_0101010101010101" y.linktarget="true" y.validity.allowed="true" y.validity.mode="positive">
                        <td class="NoMob" height="30" width="12" > </td>
                        <td height="30" > </td>
                        <td class="NoMob" height="30" width="12" > </td>

    When $layoutChoice is an Image, the code resolves as shown.

    <table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="660" 
    class="w100pc" align="center" >
            <td height="30" > </td>
                    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" 
                    width="660" height="150"  class="w100pc"></a>
        <tr><td>I am white Background Color on image block</td></tr>
            <td class="padLR9">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center" >
                        <td class="NoMob" height="30" width="12" > </td>
                        <td height="30" > </td>
                        <td class="NoMob" height="30" width="12" > </td>

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