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    Article summary

    To track your Nuxt app, first go to your Nuxt project directory and install the package:

    $ npm install --save @webtrekk-smart-pixel/vue

    Then create a js file like webtrekk.js in the plugin directory:

    import WebtrekkSmartpixelVue from "@webtrekk-smart-pixel/vue";
    import Vue from "vue";
    export default () => {
      const webtrekkConfig = {
        trackId: "111111111111111",
        trackDomain: "",
        activateLinkTracking: true,
        activateAutoTracking: true,
        activateTeaserTracking: true,
        activateProductListTracking: true,
        activateContentEngagement: true
      Vue.use(WebtrekkSmartpixelVue, webtrekkConfig);

    Next, go to your nuxt.config.js file and add this file to the plugin array:

     * Plugins to load before mounting the App
    plugins: ["~/plugins/webtrekk"]

    Now you can use the plugin just like in a normal Vue application, which means you have access to this.$webtrekk and the v-webtrekk directive in your components (see Tracking Configuration). Track requests will be sent on the client-side only, never on the server or during generation.

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