Object Oriented Tracking
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    Object Oriented Tracking

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    Article summary

    The Mapp Android SDK allows you to implement Object-Oriented Tracking by creating structured objects, such as pages, events, products, and orders, and then sending these objects to Mapp Intelligence for analysis. The SDK automatically converts these objects into the appropriate format required by Mapp Intelligence, making it easier for developers to track various user interactions without needing in-depth knowledge of the data model.


    You can track pages regardless of whether auto-tracking is enabled or disabled. If auto-tracking is disabled, only the screens explicitly marked for tracking with the following methods will be tracked.

    You will find tracked pages under Navigation > Pages > Pages.




    page: PageViewEvent

    Allows you to track pages by creating objects (e.g., page, product, or order objects). The SDK converts these objects into Mapp Intelligence data. Recommended for customers unfamiliar with the Mapp Intelligence data model or implementing both iOS and Android SDKs.


    private fun trackCustomPage() {
    	// Specify page properties
    	val params = mapOf(20 to "cp20 page parameter value")
    	val categories = mapOf(10 to "cg10 page category value")
    	val searchTerm = "the search term value"
    	val pageParameters =
    		PageParameters(parameters = params, pageCategory = categories, search = searchTerm)
    	// Create PageViewEvent
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "the custom name of page")
    	pageEvent.pageParameters = pageParameters
    	// Send request to server
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Specify page properties
    	Map<Integer, String> params = new HashMap<>();
    		params.put(20, "cp20 page parameter value");
    	Map<Integer, String> categories = new HashMap<>();
    		categories.put(10, "cg10 page category value");
    	String searchTerm = "the search term value";
    	PageParameters pageParameters =
    		new PageParameters(params, searchTerm, categories);
    	// Create PageViewEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("The custom name of page");
    	// Send request to server


    Event or action tracking can be performed with or without auto-tracking. You can also track custom events, even if auto-tracking is enabled, since trackCustomEvent()  does not depend on the activity/fragment context.

    You will find tracked events under Navigation > Events.




           action: ActionEvent

    Tracks user events. Ideal for developers unfamiliar with the Mapp Intelligence data model.


    private fun trackAction() {
    	// Specify event parameters
        val eventParameters = mapOf(20 to "ck20 parameter value")
    	// Create the action event
    	val event = ActionEvent("name of the event")
    	event.eventParameters = eventParameters
    	// Send the event to the server
     public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Specify event parameters
    	Map<Integer, String> eventParam = new HashMap<>();
    		eventParam.put(1, "event param 1");
    	EventParameters eventParameters = new EventParameters();
    	// Create the action event
    	ActionEvent actionEvent = new ActionEvent("custom action name");
    	// Send request to server

    Products and Orders

    You can analyze detailed product interactions in your app. This includes tracking when products are viewed, added to the cart, and purchased. You can also analyze abandoned shopping carts and track the completion of orders with comprehensive information.

    Supported Product Statuses

    The status of a product is required to ensure that tracking and e-commerce use cases function correctly. The Mapp Android SDK supports the following statuses:

    • VIEWED: (Default) Tracks when a user views a product.

    • ADDED_TO_BASKET: Tracks when a user adds a product to the shopping cart.

    • DELETED_FROM_BASKET: Tracks when a product is removed from the shopping cart.

    • PURCHASED: Tracks when a product is purchased.

    • ADDED_TO_WISHLIST: Tracks when a product is added to a wishlist.

    • DELETED_FROM_WISHLIST: Tracks when a product is removed from a wishlist.

    • CHECKOUT: Tracks the checkout process when a user starts the checkout.

    Key Information for Product and Order Tracking:

    • You can add detailed information to products and orders using e-commerce parameters. Parameter constants only work for query-based tracking.

    • The status of a product must be set correctly to ensure that all tracking works as expected for Mapp Intelligence e-commerce use cases.


    // Track products viewed
    private fun trackEcommerceViewProduct() {
    	// Create product object
    	val product = ProductParameters()
    		product.name = "Product1"
    		product.categories = mapOf(Pair(1, "ca1 product category parameter value"), Pair(2, "ca2 product category parameter value"))
    		product.cost = 13
    	// Create e-commerce object
    	val ecommerceParameters = ECommerceParameters(
    		customParameters = mapOf(
    			1 to "cb1 e-commerce parameter value",
    			2 to "cb2 e-commerce parameter value"
    	// Set status to viewed and add product information
    	ecommerceParameters.status = ECommerceParameters.Status.VIEWED
    		ecommerceParameters.products = listOf(product)
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "TrackProductView")
    		pageEvent.eCommerceParameters = ecommerceParameters
    	// Send request
    // Track products added to basket
    private fun trackEcommerceAddedToBasket() {
    	// Create product object
    	val product = ProductParameters()
    	product.name = "Product1"
    	product.categories = mapOf(Pair(1, "ca1 product category parameter value"), Pair(2, "ca2 product category parameter value"))
    	product.cost = 13
    	product.quantity = 2
    	//Create e-commerce object
    	val ecommerceParameters = ECommerceParameters(
    		customParameters = mapOf(
    			1 to "cb1 e-commerce parameter value",
    			2 to "cb2 e-commerce parameter value"
    	// Set product status to added_to_basket and add product information
    	ecommerceParameters.status = ECommerceParameters.Status.ADDED_TO_BASKET
    	ecommerceParameters.products = listOf(product)
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "TrackProductBasket")
    	pageEvent.eCommerceParameters = ecommerceParameters
    	// Send request		
    // Track order confirmation
    private fun trackEcommerceConfirmation() {
    	// Create product object
    	val product = ProductParameters()
    	product.name = "Product1"
    	product.categories = mapOf(Pair(1, "ca1 product category parameter value"), Pair(2, "ca2 product category parameter value"))
    	product.cost = 13
    	product.quantity = 2
    	// Create e-commerce object
    	val ecommerceParameters = ECommerceParameters(
    		customParameters = mapOf(
    			1 to "cb1 e-commerce parameter value",
    			2 to "cb2 e-commerce parameter value"
    	// Add order information and set status to purchased
    	ecommerceParameters.products = listOf(product)
    	ecommerceParameters.currency = "EUR"
    	ecommerceParameters.orderID = "1234nb5"
    	ecommerceParameters.paymentMethod = "Credit Card"
    	ecommerceParameters.shippingServiceProvider = "DHL"
    	ecommerceParameters.shippingSpeed = "express"
    	ecommerceParameters.shippingCost = 20
    	ecommerceParameters.couponValue = 10
    	ecommerceParameters.orderValue = 23
    	ecommerceParameters.status = ECommerceParameters.Status.PURCHASED
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "TrackProductConfirmed")
    		pageEvent.eCommerceParameters = ecommerceParameters
    	// Send request
    // Track products viewed
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Create product object
    	Map<Integer, String> productCategories = new HashMap<>();
    	productCategories.put(1, "ca1 product category parameter value");
    	productCategories.put(2, "ca2 product category parameter value");
    	ProductParameters productParameters = new ProductParameters();
    	productParameters.setName("product name");
    	List products = new LinkedList();
    	// Create e-commerce object
    	Map<Integer, String> customEcommerceParams = new HashMap<>();
    	customEcommerceParams.put(1, "cb1 e-commerce parameter value");
    	customEcommerceParams.put(2, "cb2 e-commerce parameter value");
    	ECommerceParameters eCommerceParameters = new ECommerceParameters();
    	// Set status to viewed
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("The object tracking page");
    	// Send request
    // Track product added to basket
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Create product object
    	Map<Integer, String> productCategories = new HashMap<>();
    	productCategories.put(1, "ca1 product category parameter value");
    	productCategories.put(2, "ca2 product category parameter value");
    	ProductParameters productParameters = new ProductParameters();
    	productParameters.setName("product name");
    	List products = new LinkedList();
    	// Create e-commerce object
    	Map<Integer, String> customEcommerceParams = new HashMap<>();
    	customEcommerceParams.put(1, "cb1 e-commerce parameter value");
    	customEcommerceParams.put(2, "cb2 e-commerce parameter value");
    	ECommerceParameters eCommerceParameters = new ECommerceParameters();
    	// Set status to added_to_basket
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("TrackProductBasket");
    	// Send request
    // Track order confirmation
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Create product object
    	Map<Integer, String> productCategories = new HashMap<>();
    	productCategories.put(1, "ca1 product category parameter value");
    	productCategories.put(2, "ca2 product category parameter value");
    	ProductParameters productParameters = new ProductParameters();
    	productParameters.setName("product name");
    	List products = new LinkedList();
    	// Create e-commerce object
    	Map<Integer, String> customEcommerceParams = new HashMap<>();
    	customEcommerceParams.put(1, "cb1 e-commerce parameter value");
    	customEcommerceParams.put(2, "cb2 e-commerce parameter value");
    	ECommerceParameters eCommerceParameters = new ECommerceParameters();
    	// Add order information and set status to purchased
    	eCommerceParameters.setPaymentMethod("Credit Card");
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("TrackProductConfirmed");
    	// Send request


    You can track goal achievements using page or event requests in Mapp Intelligence, allowing you to evaluate which campaigns led to conversions. Learn more about how to define goals in Mapp Q3 here.
    Further information about the analysis and use of website goals in Mapp Intelligence can be found in the training chapter Analysis of Goal Achievement.

    You will find tracked pages under Marketing > Website Goals.


    private fun trackEcommerceGoal() {
    	// Create e-commerce object with your specified goal
    	val ecommerceParameters = ECommerceParameters(
    		customParameters = mapOf(
    			1 to "your e-commerce goal"
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "your custom page name")
    	pageEvent.eCommerceParameters = ecommerceParameters
    	// Send request
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Create e-commerce object with your specified goal
    	Map<Integer, String> customEcommerceParams = new HashMap<>();
    	customEcommerceParams.put(1, "your e-commerce goal");
    	ECommerceParameters eCommerceParameters = new ECommerceParameters();
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("your custom page name");
    	// Send request

    In case you see errors, ensure that you imported the necessary libraries:

    import webtrekk.android.sdk.ParamType;
    import webtrekk.android.sdk.Webtrekk;
    import static webtrekk.android.sdk.ParamTypeKt.createCustomParam;


    Campaign tracking allows you to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This is configured in Mapp Q3 (Configuration > Marketing Configuration).

    Further information about campaigns can be found in the training chapter Campaign Configuration.

    Campaigns can be tracked in both page and event requests.


    campaign.setOnClickListener {
    	// Create a campaign object
    	val campaignProperties = CampaignParameters("email.newsletter.nov2020.thursday") //set the campaign ID
    	campaignProperties.mediaCode = "abc" //set this if your media code differs from the default (wt_mc)
    	campaignProperties.oncePerSession = true //set this if you want to track the campaign only once within a session.
    	campaignProperties.action = CampaignParameters.CampaignAction.VIEW //default is CLICK. Set to VIEW if you want to measure how often a user viewed your campaign.
    	campaignProperties.customParameters = mapOf(12 to "camParam1") //add additional campaign parameters if needed.
    	// Create a PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	val event = PageViewEvent(name = "TestCampaign")
    	event.campaignParameters = campaignProperties
    	// Send request
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Create campaign object
    	Map<Integer, String> campaignParams = new HashMap<>();
    	campaignParams.put(1,"campaign param value 1");
    	CampaignParameters campaignObject = new CampaignParameters("email.newsletter.nov2020.thursday"); //set the campaign ID
    	campaignObject.setMediaCode("abc"); //set this if your media code differs from the default (wt_mc)
    	campaignObject.setOncePerSession(true); //set this if you want to track the campaign only once within a session.
    	campaignObject.setAction(CampaignParameters.CampaignAction.VIEW); //default is CLICK. Set to VIEW if you want to measure how often a user viewed your campaign.
    	campaignObject.setCustomParameters(campaignParams); //add additional campaign parameters if needed.
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("your custom page name");
    	// Send request


    You can enrich sessions with additional parameters. Depending on the settings in your account, the first or last value of the parameter will be used for analyses.

    Session parameters can be tracked in both page and event requests.


    private fun trackCustomPage() {
    	// Create session properties
    	val sessionParameters = SessionParameters(parameters = mapOf(1 to "your session parameter value 1"))
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "the custom name of page")
    	pageEvent.sessionParameters = sessionParameters
    	// Send request
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	//Create session object
    	Map<Integer, String> customSessionParameters = new HashMap<>();
    	customSessionParameters.put(1, "your session parameter value 1");
    	SessionParameters sessionObject = new SessionParameters();
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("your custom page name");
    	// Send request

    Predefined Session Parameter

    Some session parameters can be preconfigured, including App version, App updated, and App first open. These parameters can be activated without needing to be defined in your mobile app, simplifying session tracking.

    The following parameters are predefined in the SDK:


    Parameter ID


    Data Type


    App updated


    Tracks when the app is updated to a new version.


    The last value wins (tracked once per session).

    App version


    Tracks which app version users are using.


    The last value wins (tracked once per session).

    App first open


    Tracks the first time the app is opened after being installed from a store or the web.


    The first value wins (tracked once per session).

    To configure the session parameter, proceed as follows:

    1. Log in to your Mapp Q3 account.

    2. Go to Configuration > Custom Parameters > Session parameters

    3. Then click Create a new custom parameter. The specification dialog for the session parameter opens.

    4. Make the following configuration:




      Mandatory. Enter the name of the session parameter.


      Optional. Enter a description for the session parameter.


      Select via the radio button whether the session parameter is active or inactive. When disabled, no data is collected.


      Under "Preconfigured," select one of the following parameters:

      • App updated

      • App version

      • App first open

      Preset settings apply automatically.

      Parameter ID

      The ID is set automatically by the system.

    5. Click Save to save your settings.


    User tracking allows you to categorize users to improve analyses in Mapp Intelligence. You can transmit both pre-defined and custom categories for each user.

    User data can be tracked in both page and event requests.


    Transmit hashed personal data should not be evaluated in terms of content (e.g. with the SHA256 hash). If you would like to collect this data for analytical reasons, we suggest that you transmit the data in encrypted form (see How to Implement Server-Side Encryption in Mapp Intelligence).


    private fun trackCustomPage() {
    	// Create user object
    	val userCategories = UserCategories()
    	// Create custom user categories
    	userCategories.customCategories = mapOf(1 to "user category value 1")
    	// Specify pre-defined categories
    	userCategories.birthday = UserCategories.Birthday(day = 12, month = 1, year = 1993)
    	userCategories.city = "Paris"
    	userCategories.country = "France"
    	userCategories.customerId = "CustomerID"
    	userCategories.gender = UserCategories.Gender.FEMALE //possible values: FEMALE, MALE, UNKNOWN
    	userCategories.emailAddress = "email address"
    	userCategories.emailReceiverId = "email receiver ID"
    	userCategories.firstName = "first name"
    	userCategories.lastName = "last name"
    	userCategories.newsletterSubscribed = true //boolean
    	userCategories.phoneNumber = "phone number"
    	userCategories.street = "street name"
    	userCategories.streetNumber = "street number"
    	userCategories.zipCode = "zip code"
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent	
    	val pageEvent = PageViewEvent(name = "the custom name of page")
    	pageEvent.userCategories = userCategories
    	// Send request
    public void onClick(View view) {
    	// Create custom user categories
    	Map<Integer, String> urmCat = new HashMap<>();
    	urmCat.put(1,"URM category value 1");
    	// Create user category object
    	UserCategories urmObject = new UserCategories();
    	// Specify pre-defined categories
    	urmObject.setBirthday(new UserCategories.Birthday(12,1,1993)); //day, month, year
    	urmObject.setGender(UserCategories.Gender.FEMALE); //possible values: FEMALE, MALE, UNKNOWN
    	urmObject.setEmailAddress("email address");
    	urmObject.setEmailReceiverId("email receiver ID");
    	urmObject.setFirstName("first name");
    	urmObject.setLastName("last name");
    	urmObject.setNewsletterSubscribed(true); //boolean
    	urmObject.setPhoneNumber("phone number");
    	urmObject.setStreet("street name");
    	urmObject.setStreetNumber("street number");
    	urmObject.setZipCode("zip code");
    	// Create PageViewEvent or ActionEvent
    	PageViewEvent pageEvent = new PageViewEvent("your custom page name");
    	// Send request

    Media Tracking

    The Media Tracking API allows you to track user interactions with media files, such as videos or audio, in your app. You can track events such as media play, pause, seek actions, and more. Media tracking provides insights into how users engage with your media content, including metrics like duration watched, position within the media, and interaction frequency.

    You will find tracked media under Navigation > Media > Media.




        mediaName: String,
                  trackingParams: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()

    Tracks media actions. The mediaName should be unique for each media file being tracked. Custom parameters can also be sent using the trackingParams map.


    private fun trackMedia() {
        // Create media parameters
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "play", position = 12, duration = 240)
        // Create optional custom media categories
        mediaProperties.customCategories = mapOf(1 to "sports")
        // Create optional event parameter (ck)
        val eventParameters = EventParameters(mapOf(Pair(20, "sporthighlights")))
        // Create MediaEvent
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent(pageName = "en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties).apply {
            eventParameters = eventParameters
        // Send request
    private void trackMedia() {
        // Create media parameters
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "play", 12, 240);
        // Create optional custom media categories
        mediaProperties.setCustomCategories(Collections.singletonMap(1, "sports"));
        // Create optional event parameter (ck)
        EventParameters eventParameters = new EventParameters(Collections.singletonMap(20, "sporthighlights"));
        // Create MediaEvent
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);
        // Send request

    Media Tracking API Constraints

    To ensure proper media tracking, certain constraints and expectations must be met:

    Start a Media Session

    A media session begins with an initial “play” or “init” call. Without this call, further interactions such as “pause” or “seek” cannot be tracked correctly. Ensure that the first action sent is either a play or init request to start the session.

    Seeking Behavior

    • When sending a seek action, the position sent should reflect the point in time where the seek started.

    • After sending a seek request, you need to send either a play or pause action to resume tracking from the current position.

    Example 1: Tracking a Play and Seek Action

    Scenario: The user starts a video at position 8 seconds, seeks forward to position 20 seconds, and continues playing.

    // Track the initial play
    private fun trackMediaPlay() {
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "play", position = 8, duration = 240)
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent("en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties)
    // Track the seek action
    private fun trackMediaSeek() {
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "seek", position = 8, duration = 240)
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent("en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties)
    // Track the play action after seek
    private fun trackMediaResume() {
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "play", position = 20, duration = 240)
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent("en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties)


    // Track the initial play
    private void trackMediaPlay() {
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "play", 8, 240);
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);
    // Track the seek action
    private void trackMediaSeek() {
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "seek", 8, 240);
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);
    // Track the play action after seek
    private void trackMediaResume() {
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "play", 20, 240);
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);

    Please note that Exo2Player changes a state to pause automatically after each seeks. You need to suppress that to be aligned with the API expectation manually.

    Example 2: Tracking a Pause and Seek Action:

    Scenario: The user pauses the video at 8 seconds, seeks forward to 20 seconds, but does not resume playing.

    // Track the initial pause
    private fun trackMediaPause() {
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "pause", position = 8, duration = 240)
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent("en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties)
    // Track the seek action
    private fun trackMediaSeek() {
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "seek", position = 8, duration = 240)
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent("en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties)
    // Track the pause after seek
    private fun trackMediaPausedAfterSeek() {
        val mediaProperties = MediaParameters("football123", action = "pause", position = 20, duration = 240)
        val mediaEvent = MediaEvent("en.sports.football", parameters = mediaProperties)


    // Track the initial pause
    private void trackMediaPause() {
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "pause", 8, 240);
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);
    // Track the seek action
    private void trackMediaSeek() {
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "seek", 8, 240);
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);
    // Track the pause after seek
    private void trackMediaPausedAfterSeek() {
        MediaParameters mediaProperties = new MediaParameters("football123", "pause", 20, 240);
        MediaEvent mediaEvent = new MediaEvent("en.sports.football", mediaProperties);

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