Order ID
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    Order ID

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    Article summary

    Shows all order IDs that were tracked.

    Short facts

    Order ID Structure and Generation

    Passing an Order ID to Mapp Intelligence is optional but highly recommended. Providing an Order ID increases the accuracy of order tracking by ensuring that multiple accesses to the order confirmation page are not counted as separate transactions. This also facilitates easier comparison with other tools, as the Order ID serves as a consistent reference across platforms.

    In cases where an order value is passed to Mapp Intelligence without an accompanying Order ID, the system automatically generates an Order ID. Below is a detailed explanation of how these auto-generated Order IDs are structured:

    Generated Order ID Structures

    1. 11-Digit Numeric IDs

      When Mapp Intelligence generates an Order ID, it can create a simple numeric identifier consisting of 11 digits. This numeric ID is generated by our system when no specific structure is required or when a customer-defined Order ID is not provided.

    2. UNIX Timestamp

      Another common structure for auto-generated Order IDs is based on the UNIX timestamp. In this case, the ID shows a UNIX timestamp (e.g., 1709727700656). This format is typically used in situations where an anonymous or temporary ID is needed. The UNIX timestamp represents the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (UTC).

    GDPR Compliance and Anonymization

    In compliance with GDPR, Mapp Intelligence may anonymize Order IDs by replacing them with a placeholder ID. This placeholder typically follows the format wt_anon_XXXXX, where XXXXX is a unique number. This ensures that sensitive information is not retained in the system.

    Understanding the Origin of Order IDs

    • Customer-defined Order IDs usually have a custom structure that aligns with the customer’s internal systems.

    • Mapp-generated Order IDs will follow one of the structures outlined above, making it easier to distinguish between customer-defined and system-generated IDs.

    By understanding the structure of the Order IDs generated by Mapp Intelligence, users can more easily identify the origin of each ID within their data analysis. This clarity helps ensure that all transactions are accurately tracked and associated with the correct identifiers.

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