Polling domain-specific events with Response Queue
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    Polling domain-specific events with Response Queue

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    Article summary

    The Response Queue allows you to poll domain-specific events. This is useful when you have Engage with more than one domain.

    How it works

    • If you have a multi-domain Engage system, you can query the Response Queue for events from each domain specifically by using the correct domain,  or "sysname" in the API request endpoint.

    • Only events for the specific domain from which you are querying are retrieved from the Response Queue.

    • With this feature activated, you are obligated to poll events using specific domains. For example: Your Engage domains are a.com, b.com and c.com. If you want to poll events specific to the b.com domain, you need to change the endpoint to call the b.com Engage domain. Consequently, code changes will be required for the API requests you send to poll the Response Queue.

    • Example Request & Response for each method will stay the same.

    • All methods under the asynchronous domain will be affected by this change.

    • If this feature is disabled at a later point, the user won't be able to get past data that was saved in Response Queue when the feature was enabled.


    Consider a multi-domain system with subdomain1.domain.com and subdomain2.domain.com.

    You want to poll responses from {color:#d04437}_subdomain1_{color}.
    This means that your REST request must be executed with {color:#d04437}_subdomain1.domain.com_{color} as realm/domain.


    • This feature needs to be activated by your customer success or account manager.

    • Requires minimum API 2.0 WADL/WSDL version 13.

    Further Information

    API Documentation

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