Power BI
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    Power BI

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    Article summary

    1. What Is Power BI?

    Microsoft Power BI is a data analysis tool that allows users to generate different graphics and reports for data analysis and business intelligence purposes. Data can be imported to Power BI from sources such as:

    • files,

    • databases,

    • web services,

    • Microsoft Azure services,

    • 3rd party services.

    There are two main version of Power BI: Power BI Desktop and Power BI Cloud.

    • The Power BI Desktop version has a wide range of connection possibilities. Learn more...

    • The Power BI Cloud version is limited to files, some Azure-based Database data sources and streaming datasets. Learn more...

    Example using Kerberos (GSSAPI). Customers will use SCRAM-SHA-256):Version


    Data Sources

    Streaming Data Sources






    • FIles (csv, xls)

    • Azure Databases

    • No Windows required.

    • Easy integration via HTTP API.

    • Streaming Datasets (limited).

    • Limited data source selection.

    • Restrictions on incoming traffic and payload size.



    • FIles (csv, xls)

    • Databases

    • Azure Services

    • 3rd Party Services

    • No

    • Flexible

    • Many more data sources than the Cloud version.

    • Requires a Windows PC to be run.

    • No Streaming datasets.

    2. Proposed Architecture For Power BI Desktop

    2.1 Description

    If you store your analysis data on SQL Server, MariaDB, PostgreSQL or similar, Kafka Connect should be an alternative to consider.

    Here is how a typical set-up would look like.

    Mapp architecture: Public Kafka which contains the topics that represent the Streams of Data Streams (Root / Custom). 

    This will be configured to consume from Mapp Public Kafka and to write the events into the Database of your choice using the JDBC Sink Connector for Kafka Connect (Confluent Community License) in an appropriate table form. Then the data can be read from Power BI Desktop.

    2.2 Requirements

    • At the moment, only Avro Streams can be used for this since they contain schema information.

    • JSON Streams cannot be used since Mapp is not including schema information on them (read more...). The schema needs to be included by the RDS Replicator or by KSQL.

    • Both Root and Custom streams are in theory suitable to be consumed by Kafka Connect.

      • Primitive Types can be selected and should be mapped to the respective column in the corresponding table.

      • Nested Types (Array, Record, etc.) are supported but they need to be flattened first using a Single Message Transformation.

      • The usage of custom streams may be easier due to the flattened structure.

      • If the use case is more complex, implementing a custom converter may be necessary.

    • Destination table names can be set using table.name.format. However, the ${topic} placeholder cannot be used since the generated SQL conflicts with Mapp's topic names (due to using dots).

    • The property batch.size in the JDBC Sink Connector can be adjusted accordingly, depending on the account traffic to get the desired update pace in the database.

    • It is possible to define the Primary Key in the destination table by setting it to the Kafka record key (session ID), to a field of the Kafka record value (e. g. request ID) or nothing at all.

    • The columns of the destination table can be set using a whitelist of fields in the record.

    • Latency should be acceptable despite the introduction of Kafka Connect.

      • The data needs to be transferred over the internet and Kafka Connect needs to write the data into the Database and Power BI needs to read it.

      • Kafka Connect can be scaled-up by running it in distributed mode and adding multiple servers.

      • The database can usually be scaled-up vertically.

    2.3 Set-up

    • Kafka user has rights to consume from the Custom Avro Stream.

    • User has Kerberos ticket for that user (e.g. your own user).

    • Work is done in a MacOS / Linux environment.

    • MariaDB or MySQL databases are used. If not, a test MariaDB can be set up quickly with Docker.

    2.3.1 Setting Up The Stream

    1. Set up the stream via Mapp Intelligence > Data streams.

    2. Create a Custom Avro Stream and project the Page Name.


    2.3.2 Downloading Kafka and Dependencies

    Prepare the local setup of Kafka Connect.

    1. Download the latest version of Kafka from their website and unpack the downloaded file.

    2. Include the JDBC Sink Connector (jar) and the Confluent Avro Converter dependencies in the Apache Kafka setup.

    3. Place the JDBC Sink Connector JAR in the Kafka folder under a new subfolder named connect-plugins.

    4. The Confluent Avro Converter ZIP includes also docs and assets. Decompress it and copy the contents of the lib folder into the folder libs of the Kafka setup.

    2.3.3 Setting Up The Kafka Connect Configuration

    1. Configure the Kafka Connect Standalone service with a properties file (examples are provided in the conf folder of Kafka).

    2. Name it, for example, connect-standalone.properties and place it in the conf folder of the Kafka setup.

    # For customers, this would be our Public Kafka endpoint (stream.webtrekk.com).
    # Incoming Records Have A String Key (SessionID)
    # Incoming Records Have A Avro Value (Flattened Event)
    # For customers, this would be our Public Kafka endpoint (stream.webtrekk.com).
    # There is no Kafka Connect Schema information.
    # Standalone mode stores offsets in a file.
    # Path to the folder where we located the JDBC Sink plugin.
    # Security Properties For The Admin Client (will be different in Production for customers).
    ssl.truststore.location=/path/to/local/nbgtruststore.jks # This is not necessary for our customers.
    ssl.truststore.password=password # This is not necessary for our customers.
    sasl.mechanism=GSSAPI # For customers, this would be SCRAM-SHA-256
    # Consumer Group (for customers this is the TrackId).
    # Security Properties For The Consumer (will be different in Production for customers).

    2.3.4 Setting Up The JDBC Sink Connector Configuration

    1. Configure the JDBC Sink Connector with another configuration file.

    2. Name it, for example, jdbc-sink-connector.properties and that we will place it under the conf folder of the Kafka setup:

    # Connector Name, can be arbitrary.
    # Class of the JDBC Sink Connector
    # For testing, 1 Task Max is enough.
    # Topic Name we will be consuming from.
    # JDBC Connection String to the database
    # User name
    # Password
    # Create table for the data if necessary.
    # Amount of polled records from Kafka to write into the database.
    # Name of the destination table
    # Derive PK for the table from the value of the record.
    # Use the field 'ID' as PK.
    # List of fields to be extracted from the record (key on record) and that will map to columns in the table.

    2.3.5 Creating a new Database

    Create the database powerbi that we defined in the JDBC connection string in our database. For MariaDB, you can use MySQL Workbench or another tool of your choice.

    2.3.6 Setting Up JAAS Configuration File

    Prepare the JAAS file, for instance client_jaas.conf, and place it in our Kafka setup folder.

    Example (using Kerberos (GSSAPI), you will use SCRAM-SHA-256).

    KafkaClient {
      com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

    2.3.7 Running Kafka Connect

    1. Export the environment variable KAFKA_OPTS with the -Djava.security.auth.login.config JVM flag that will indicate where the JAAS file for authentication is located (the one you created in the previous step).

    export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/path/to/client_jaas.conf"

           2. Get a Kerberos ticket for authenticating. This is usually done using kinit:

    kinit user@REALM
    # e.g. kinit sergio.rozas@WEBTREKK.COM

           3. Run Kafka Connect in Standalone mode (assuming you are located in the Kafka folder and you have placed both configuration files under config):

    bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/jdbc-sink-connector.properties

          4. Wait until Kafka Connect Standarlone boots up. Below is an example of what you will see once this is done.

    [INFO] Cluster ID: s_UVKbSqSb22543chcau9A (org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata:279)
    [INFO] Discovered group coordinator public-kafka-wd-int-02.nbg.webtrekk.com:9092 (id: 2147483645 rack: null) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:815)
    [INFO] (Re-)joining group (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:553)
    [INFO] Join group failed with org.apache.kafka.common.errors.MemberIdRequiredException: The group member needs to have a valid member id before actually entering a consumer group. (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:456)
    [INFO] (Re-)joining group (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:553)
    [INFO] Finished assignment for group at generation 7: {connector-consumer-jdbc-sink-0-ac9d186e-91a1-4885-a6c0-e437a9b3e118=Assignment(partitions=[715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-0, 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-1, 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-2])} (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator:627)
    [INFO] Successfully joined group with generation 7 (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator:504)
    [INFO] Notifying assignor about the new Assignment(partitions=[715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-0, 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-1, 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-2]) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator:276)
    [INFO] Adding newly assigned partitions: 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-0, 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-2, 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-1 (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator:288)
    [INFO] Setting offset for partition 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-0 to the committed offset FetchPosition{offset=8, offsetEpoch=Optional.empty, currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[public-kafka-wd-int-03.nbg.webtrekk.com:9092 (id: 3 rack: null)], epoch=0}} (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator:815)
    [INFO] Setting offset for partition 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-2 to the committed offset FetchPosition{offset=0, offsetEpoch=Optional.empty, currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[public-kafka-wd-int-02.nbg.webtrekk.com:9092 (id: 2 rack: null)], epoch=0}} (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator:815)
    [INFO] Setting offset for partition 715326913588444.custom.powerbi.tracking.v1.avro-1 to the committed offset FetchPosition{offset=0, offsetEpoch=Optional.empty, currentLeader=LeaderAndEpoch{leader=Optional[public-kafka-wd-int-01.nbg.webtrekk.com:9092 (id: 1 rack: null)], epoch=0}} (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator:815)

    2.3.8 Testing Kafka Connect

    1. Send a dummy requests with a page name (since you enabled that field in the stream projections) to your Tracker.

    curl "http://tracker-int-01.nbg.webtrekk.com:10001/715326913588444/wt\?p\=300,testTrafficXXXX"

           2. Use XXXX to set some time to track our requests in the result.
           3. Check if you see the requests in Kafka.

    3. Proposed Architecture For Power BI Cloud

    If you prefer Power BI Cloud over Power BI Desktop, and have an Azure subscription, you can follow the same steps as for the desktop version, and use Kafka Connect to pump the data into an Azure SQL Database. Add Azure SQL Database as a Power BI data source and create the dashboards and reports from there.

    If you don't have an Azure, nor a PubNub subscription, you can still use the HTTP API to push data into Power BI. However, this requires building a custom component that reads the data from Kafka and pushes records to Power BI Cloud via the HTTP API.

    Kafka Connect HTTP Sink Connector that does this job using Kafka Connect is available under a Confluent commercial license.

    The Confluent HTTP Rest Kafka Proxy is not suitable for this task since it is a pull-system. This means that it can be called to consume data form Kafka, but does not push data anywhere by itself.

    4. Summary

    4.1 General

    • Power BI is a data analysis tool that allows users to extract business intelligence from multiple sources of data by means of reporting and dashboarding.

    • Power BI exists in both cloud and desktop version.

    • Power BI Desktop only runs on Windows but it accepts a vast number of connectors (file, databases, third party data sources, etc.).

    • Power BI Cloud is browser-based but it has limitations on the amount of data-sources that can be used.

    • Both Cloud And Desktop versions are rich in analysis and reporting features.

    4.2 Power BI Desktop

    • The solution involves running a Kafka Connect instance (standalone or distributed if needed) with the Confluent JDBC Sink Connector (Confluent Community License).

    • Kafka Connect dumps Kafka records into a CSV file, and these are imported manually into Power BI (less practical solution).

    • The data is written in batches of configurable size by Kafka Connect into a database using JDBC.

    • The data is read by Power BI at regular short times to give the impression of a streaming system.

    • There is no real streaming support (e. g. consuming directly from Kafka into some internal storage of Kafka) so data must be stored first in a database.

    4.3 Power BI Cloud

    • There are two kinds of data sources:

      • Dataset: Files and Azure databases.

      • Streaming Dataset: HTTP Rest Push API, Azure Streaming or PubNub.

    • Kafka Connect dumps Kafka records into a CSV file and these can be imported manually into Power BI (less practical solution).

    • Datasets require either manual effort or an Azure subscription to dump the data into Azure SQL. For Azure Data Warehouse products, this can be implemented as with Power BI Desktop.

    • The Streaming Push HTTP API cannot be used with Kafka Connect since the Kafka Connect HTTP Sink Connector from Confluent is a commercially licensed product.

    • The Streaming Push HTTP API cannot be used with Confluent Kafka HTTP Proxy since it is a pull-only system.

    • In order to implement this without using commercial products, it is necessary to build a custom component that would consume from Kafka and push into Power BI via the Streaming Push HTTP API.

    4.4 Recommendation

    • Stick to Power BI Desktop.

    • Use a RDBMS compatible with JDBC (MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc.).

    • Pump the data from Kafka using Kafka Connect via the JDBC Sink Connector.

    • Perform Power BI Desktop analysis from the database data source.

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